Critical Illness Cover with L and G

  • 18 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hey folks, 

Just wondering if any of you had success with CI payout with legal and general. My wife was diagnosed with Follicular Cancer of thr Thyroid in June. 41mm minimally invasive carcinoma TP2 no spread. She has a total thyroid removal and waiting Radioactive Iodine Treatment. I have rang for claim forms but the paperwork I held before and booklet not very good at explaining wHethersett you are covered or not. Talks about lesser cancers ans not spreading including breast and prostate.  Any help wold be helpful in case we come up against any difficulties with thr claim

  • FormerMember


    I had a payout on my critical illness not with same company. I was quite surprised to be honest as same as you other non invasive cancers were listed as not covered. Thyroid wasn't mentioned on the policy. I have heard of others not paying out though. From what i understand its black and white either you fall into their category of being covered or you don't. I literally just got a phone call unexpectedly asking where i wanted it paid there were no queries or difficulties. 


  • I also had a pay out from a different company. I had follicular cancer 1.8cm no spread had a TT, all they wanted to know was was it invasive and mine was classed as minimally invasive, I sent forms off and then I had to give them permission to talk to my McMillan nurse (didn’t even contact consultant) which they did and got my payout with about 2 weeks of sending forms off, I was also very surprised Thumbsup 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to bbosh

    Mine also paid out from a different company. Mine had spread to the lymph nodes so I guess that's what made it count for them.

    Truth is you can't decide for them. Send in the forms and put it to the back of your mind. If nothing happens, then you weren't relying on it anyway. But if it does, well that's a small blessing in this difficult time.

    Good luck!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks for the reply folks. We sent the forms off today so fingers crossed. I checked our policy again and L and G are guided by Association of British Insurers and the classify my wife cancer as for a payout on thr policy. We will have to wait and see. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to bbosh

    Hi there bbosh

    I’m not sure if this thread is still open but...

    I am in the process of collecting the docs and submitting a claim similar to yours (Minimally invasive Follicular carcinoma of the thyroid with 1 focus of vascular invasion and 1 focus of capsule invasion, which was 30mm in size with PT2 staging) on behalf of my wife and was wondering if you wouldn’t mind sharing who your policy was with.

    many thanks 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    No I don't mind it was AIG. Good luck with it all. 

  • Worth a try but thyroid cancer is very very treatable 

    I had it 18 years ago had radical neck surgery and iodine treatment, been ok since

    good luck 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Many thanks, it’s very much appreciated - think I asked the wrong person, but I’ll try again! 

    best wishes 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to bbosh

    Hi there bbosh

    I’m not sure if this thread is still open but...

    I am in the process of collecting the docs and submitting a claim similar to yours (Minimally invasive Follicular carcinoma of the thyroid with 1 focus of vascular invasion and 1 focus of capsule invasion, which was 30mm in size with PT2 staging) on behalf of my wife and was wondering if you wouldn’t mind sharing who your policy was with.

    many thanks 

  • Hi , I had a policy with legal and general which has just recently paid out in full , it took around 7 weeks ,I have follicular variant capsular and vascular invasive,5cm, 3 foci,hope this is of some help



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