Concern over remaining testicle

  • 12 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi guys,

This isn't specifically related to cancer but it's hard to find a community anywhere else that the main topic is testicles!

I was diagnosed with testicular cancer in December 2012. I had a small partially descended testicle with calficiations, apperently this was a ticking time bomb. I had the op and then unfortunately found it it had spread to the lymph nodes. 4 weeks of radiation therapy and and my scans are showing as good. 

HOWEVER. When I had my ultrasound done in Dec, the one that confirmed the cancer, the report also said there is a 'thickening of the epididymal tail (in the good testicle) which might indicate epididymitis. I'd had one off aches in that testicle before, and it was actually the original reason i visited the doc in the first place. I should also mention that I have an Epididymal cyst on the non cancerous one which docs have picked up in ultrasounds and never been concerned with.

At the time I was far too concerned with the cancer to really worry about this...

I've had aches on and off in this teste for a while but lately im noticing it more. I raised it with my oncologist who gave me a weeks supply of antibiotics which seemed to relieve the ache but it really has started to come back a lot. I also have an almost constant tingling sensation in the testicle now. when i went back to the oncoloist lately he said the testicle feels totally normal and to go see my GP if it starts up again. He also said another ultrasound wouldn't show anything abnormal. 

I've made another GP's appointment but im just wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences, i cant help but read about the long term effects of infections on the testicle and worry (ive become over protective of this one now as its my only one remaining)

Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. 


  • Hi Stewart,

    That all sounds good to me:

    - 14.4 is not a terrible level, and shouldn't cause significant symptoms (unless it has dropped from there)

    - your BMI is in the low 20s, and I don't think testosterone is an issue until it goes over 30, so if you get to 100kg then start to worry ;-)

    - alcohol is meant to be max. 21 units a week/ 4 units a day. I think chronic and acute abuse would mean a whisky with breakfast, and legless every day. That said, you might feel a bit better if you only binge once a week - your liver will thank you too :-)


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to gregm

    Hi Stewart I know this is sometime ago, just wondered how you got on, I’ve got similar issues with checks coming back clear, cheers