Concern over remaining testicle

  • 12 replies
  • 8 subscribers

Hi guys,

This isn't specifically related to cancer but it's hard to find a community anywhere else that the main topic is testicles!

I was diagnosed with testicular cancer in December 2012. I had a small partially descended testicle with calficiations, apperently this was a ticking time bomb. I had the op and then unfortunately found it it had spread to the lymph nodes. 4 weeks of radiation therapy and and my scans are showing as good. 

HOWEVER. When I had my ultrasound done in Dec, the one that confirmed the cancer, the report also said there is a 'thickening of the epididymal tail (in the good testicle) which might indicate epididymitis. I'd had one off aches in that testicle before, and it was actually the original reason i visited the doc in the first place. I should also mention that I have an Epididymal cyst on the non cancerous one which docs have picked up in ultrasounds and never been concerned with.

At the time I was far too concerned with the cancer to really worry about this...

I've had aches on and off in this teste for a while but lately im noticing it more. I raised it with my oncologist who gave me a weeks supply of antibiotics which seemed to relieve the ache but it really has started to come back a lot. I also have an almost constant tingling sensation in the testicle now. when i went back to the oncoloist lately he said the testicle feels totally normal and to go see my GP if it starts up again. He also said another ultrasound wouldn't show anything abnormal. 

I've made another GP's appointment but im just wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences, i cant help but read about the long term effects of infections on the testicle and worry (ive become over protective of this one now as its my only one remaining)

Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. 


  • Hi Stewart,

    I think if the oncologist is not concerned then that's a good sign. If it were a GP just giving you antibiotics then it would be important to push to see an oncologist.

    I presume the oncologist has taken bloods and checked your AFP and bHCG markers?

    The only other things they might do is a CT test, but you don't want one of them unnecessarily. If you're still concerned then talk to your oncologist about one, but also ask why he's so sure its nothing to worry about.

    I know that for 2 years after my treatment (I was Nov 2011) I was hyper-vigilant and attributed every ache, pain, twinge or cough to a relapse. Its hard not to, when for most of us we didn't associate the original symptoms with cancer until very late. For a decent while I also had phantom pain in my prosthetic.

    I presume you're on surveillance for a couple of years yet?



  • FormerMember

    Hi Stewart

    Totally understand your concerns about preserving your crown jewel.

    My own experience of TC is that pain in a testicle is actually a good sign, and is very unlikely to be cancer. Plus your oncologist seems unconcerned, so that's a positive.

    I lost my first tezzer and had a clear hard lump (no real pain).For 20 years i lived merrily with one and nurtured it like a baby!!  But I was unlucky enough to lose my second last year. There was no pain or dull ache and the only issue was a hernia type ache in the groin. GP more or less diagnosed a hernia but sent me for an ultrasound just in case. They scanned the teste and found a tiny intra-testicular tumour (inside the tezzer). Unlucky I suppose, but at least it was caught early.

    You obviously have various issues with your remaining nut so my un-expert opinion is that it is likely to be linked with that. However remain vigilant and push for another ultrasound if you are worried.


  • FormerMember
    Hey there there are lots of good people here, lots of advice, but if i was you i would want answers too. Your oncologist should know the indicator's, theyre the experts after all. Having said that, i had reoccurring tc after having a small short term ache in my groin. I'm aware of my body, went straight to my doc. Had ultrasound on their request and the rest, well, is history. I'm glad i went, i pushed for the scan, pushed for the blood tests. Moral here is, if you're not happy with your oncologists answers, go out and take control. Its your body. Your life. it could quite easily be nothing, i hope it isn't. But, in the rare event its something that may need further inspection, then you've done the right thing by doing all possible. best of luck. Jamie
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to gregm

    Hi Greg,

    Cheers or the reply.

    Yeah Im on the surveillance and i've got another CT coming up soon. All my blood etc is fine.

    I hear what you're saying about being hyper-vigiliant and i'm very open to the possibility that the more im constantly thinking about it, the more likely i'll find pains and odd sensations. I would like to get another ultrasound though just for piece of mind.

    Weirdly it seems to be much much more prominent after a night out/when alcohol is consumed.

    The thing that confused me is when I had my first ultrasound the report indicated possible epididymitis, when i had my second one the guy was really really relaxed about the scan, he even slapped me on my back and said 'youre fine' as i walked out....


  • Hi,


    Jay/Jamie have a good approach - push for another ultrasound. I admit I pushed for 2 extra CT scans when I felt awful (testosterone level collapsed).

    There may never be a point where you're 100% sure, but ultrasound is not damaging in the way CT scans can be (~2+ years equivalent background dose for a full abdominal).


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to gregm

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you for your replys, greatly appreciated

    Ill definitely push for another ultra sound when I see the doctor! As you said i'll probably never be truly comfortable but it would be useful just now with all the aches and pains.




  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Folks,

    So I went to see the GP, i've just moved to a new area and they have no notes on me so I was starting from scratch. I told her that my ultrasound way back in Dec 2012 said possible signs of epididymitis and that I got occassional aches and inflamed feelings. She said there was 2 antibiotics available one for just when the epididymis was infected and one for when it was both that and the testicle., I said i wasnt sure so she gave me a months worth of ofloxacin. 

    Im even sure if thats the problem so im concerned about taking an antoboitic when it could be a different kind of infection but im guessing not much harm can be done from taking an antibiotic? even if it's not necssarily the right one? 

    She also arranged for another ultrasound in 2-3 weeks. She asked if i was sure it was necessary given that I had a Ct scan coming up in 2 weeks but i said yes. I kinda went behind the oncologists back on this one, but it's my body and my concerns and like you guys said I've gotta take control on it. Plus i've not had one since Oct last year so I think it definitely needs looked at.

    Can I just pick up on what was said about low testosterone? when your levels dropped how did you get them back up? I think mine is low at the moment, I had blood work done that showed it pretty low. My energy levels are ok to be honest and i'm not gonna get took caught up in the test result as the only time ive seen my T levels examined was right before starting my radiotherapy and I wasnt exactly in the most relaxed state! I'd like to try and give myself a boost but I deffo would rather try and do it naturally.

    cheers guys 

  • Hi Stewart,

    Great to hear your new GP is supportive.

    Antibiotics - on a personal level there's no real harm in taking one that wasn't needed. A more a global scale there is a concern on people being prescribed antibiotics when the doctor knows it to be unnecessary as it is leading to the evolution of antibiotic resistant strains of bacterial infection (MRSA,CDifficle etc.). In your case it sounds an appropriate medication.

    The CT scan and Ultrasound will be a belt and braces approach to seeing what's going on down there. hope it at all turns out well.

    When my levels dropped I used Testogel hormone replacement once a day, rubbed on to the shoulders.

    You think your's are low? do you have a figure from your recent blood work?

    Natural ways to promote testosterone:

    1. lose weight

    2. vigorous cardio exercise and strength exercises

    3. reduce stress

    4. increase the amount of zinc in your diet



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to gregm

    Hi Greg,

    Thanks for the reply, sorry it's taken me so long to respond.

    I have only seen my T levels once and it was low way back in Jul 2013 as I was about to start my radiotherapy. They were 14.4 nmol (reference range 8 - 32) and the more concerning one was free T which was 31.0 pmol (reference range 66 - 142).

    I'd want it checked again since it was only once and It was a day that I was stressed out to the maximum running from one hospital to another before starting work for the day.

    It's hard to say if my energy levels are low since lately i've been worried about the other one and it's made my mood a little lower than usual, but i dont feel particularly run down or tired. I felt like shit during my radiotherapy at times but thats to be expected that, finished in August last year. I will ask them to test my T again when I go in for my CT scan this month.  

    I work out 4-5 times a week but it does feel like more of a struggle than it used to, I still usually manage this amount though.

    I'm 77kg and 5 11 so I dont think weight is something I can change too much and I've also been taking zinc supplements recently.

     Regarding Alcohol:

    I live a pretty healthy lifestyle but i've always been a big weekend warrior. I will binge drink twice a week most weeks. Im concerned about when people say acute or chronic alcohol abuse can stop T production. I know it;s not healthy to binge drink in general but realistically could this be warming production?



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oops meant harming*