An Update ...

  • 3 replies
  • 12 subscribers

So my son started BEP on 14.9.20 - 5 days as an in patient.   All went well.   The following weekend he developed an infection, caught really early as he knew the signs and was hospitalised for three days - final booster chemo pushed back 12 hours but he had it.   He had most of the side effects of chemo and lost his hair on his head and genital area.  Didnt lose eyebrows, moustache, and one armpit - bizarre.  

Anyway he has just had his follow up telephone appointment and all CT scans and blood markers are clear and as they should be.   Next appt is in 8 weeks where they will xray his chest / blood test etc ...

Is this normal ?    I know I should be over the moon that everything is clear .... and I am ... very much so .... but is it normal to feel worried for next appt straight after getting all clear from this one.  

  • I would say it's perfectly normal for you to worry about your son. That doesn't mean to say that there is something definite for you to be worrying about. How is he feeling about things? They won't tell you that he is cured even if the treatment is complete and everything looks fine. They will tell you that as far as they can tell he is clear at the moment, and they will give you some statistical information about likely reoccurrence in a certain timescale, usually 5 years. If there is no reoccurrence in 5 years they might start using the word cured, or they still might not.  It is something that we and our loved ones learn to live with. Fortunately treatment for testicular cancer is very effective, and they will probably quote you a very low likelihood of recurrence. When you see your son back to his old self you will quickly feel better about things I'm sure.  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Teahupo

    Thank you for your reply .... Son is 20 and a student paramedic - he has his whole life in front of him - life is so unfair.  He is very matter of fact - but does keep things close to his chest, I think partly because he knows he is going to get the panickyand tearful reaction from me.  I just dont know how you all do it - you are all very brave and strong.   i just want it all to be a bad dream - but in reality I know its not.  i know that we have a long way to go and this will become our normal.   I dont like it ... but as you say we have to learn to live with it.    He is "back to normal" apart from his hair loss, you wouldnt have a clue, which is lovely to see and hear the laughter again ... but its always there at the back of my mind, niggling away.  

    Look after yourself x 

  • Hi. He still has his whole life in front of him. It's unfair that this has hit him so young, but it also means he'll bounce back strongly. His hair will grow back, his strength will come back, he'll realise life with one nut is virtually identical to life with two. And he will likely remain very matter of fact about it. That's what all my friends and family say about me. I'm 47 and had the op in April and chemo in May. It already feels like something that happened in my past rather than something current, despite having to go to hospital this morning for surveillance blood tests. Things will get better for you all very quickly from here on I'm sure.