
  • 2 replies
  • 12 subscribers

Hi, I had my left testicle removed, then had chemo and then lymph nodes removed from neck, by lung and by kidney. Nearly 2 years cancer free and yesterday by checking blood was fine but they found a swollen lymph node in belly area. Is someone here with the same problem??? THANK YOU!

  • FormerMember

    Hello Jozef.

    I had my right testicle removed in Dec 2011 after a cancerous lump was found.  I finished my chemo in about Jan/Feb 2012 then started the surveillance period.  After a CT scan around November 2012 they noticed a lymph node, around the area to the lower right of my belly button had increased in size, by 1mm!!! 

    The next action was to have an operation called RPLND (Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection) to remove a template of these lymph nodes.  This is by no means a small operation.  And I wouldn't worry about it at the moment, I would cross that bridge when/if it comes to it.  I'm sure your oncologist will discuss options with you first.  The operation has left me with a very nice scar about 12 inches long down my belly!

    From my understanding, and please do not take this as 100% fact, I am not a medical professional, an enlarged lymph node does not necessarily mean the cancer has returned and a tumour is growing.  It could just mean any redundant or dead cells floating about in your system have collected in the lymph node over time and this has caused it to enlarge.  But again discuss all this with your oncologist.  In my case they thought better to be safe than sorry, so they recommended I have this operation, which I did towards the end of 2012.  Recovery period after the op was long if i remember correctly, but everything has been fine since.

    Hope everything works out good for you.  Anything else i can help with, feel free to pick my brain!

    Take care 

  • Hi Jozef, 

    welcome to the forum.  Were you pure seminoma or mixed germ cell ?  If you were mixed germ cell then your bloods being normal is a good sign.

    A 1mm lymph node change in size is likely going to be more surveillance, another scan in a few months to see if it changes.  I believe virus’s and lifestyle can can effect lymph node size - I’m sure I have read it??....

    i can point you in the direction of some good medical journal articles that may help understand your options if treatment is ultimately required.

    tske care 
