Pain after inguinal orchiectomy

  • 11 replies
  • 16 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I had IO done in Jan,  the operation went fine,  but 4 months on, I still have some numbness around the scar,  which doesn't bother me that much. What is troublesome, is the pain I am getting in my inner thigh shooting down to the knee and sometimes below knee too. It can also feels like a burning sensation, as if I were sunburned. Seems to be better when I am walking gently, but hurts a bit more when I am still straight after.

When I had a good rest, pain is more or less gone, only after busy day it can come back next day. 

Has anyone else experienced this?  Does it improve with time? I just had stressful time as is, hardly need pain to worry about too :-( 

Kind thanks for any responses in advance. 

  • FormerMember

    I can only answer about the numbness around the scar. At my 3 month exam I mentioned to the doctor that it was still numb around the scar. He said that is nort a problem and it can take 6 months. For me it did take around 6 months as the numbness faded away.

  • Hi,

    I'd agree the numbness is normal, even for many months. There shouldn't be pain however other than the occasional phantom twinge. The spare testicle can often grumble a bit from doing double duty


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to gregm

    Thank you for your answers. Yes get an occasional twinge, unfortunately somehow managed to get inguinal hernia at the same time, which hurts like crazy,  so that might be muddying  the waters as well. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to gregm

    Hi Greg,

    What do you mean by grumble? Do you get aches often? Are they bothersome?  Been in so much pain lately, not too keen on the prospect of more pain :-(

  • Hi,

    People often report aches in the testicle during the first 6 months as it adapts, and I had phantom twinges in the missing testicle during the first few months. I wouldn't categorise any of mine as 'pain', the ache was perhaps an occasional discomfort, the twinges were interesting. You should not be in pain.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to gregm

    Thanks for your message Greg. Thinking about it, mine was very tender to touch to start with, and I got a bit scared when it started growing!  It is nearly twice the size it was before, and still sensitive to touch, but can live with it. Have a nice day!

  • Hello there.

    I see that you had Inguinal Orchiectomy done about 4 years ago and you experienced Pain/Burning Sensation in you thigh even 4 months after Surgery. I also had an IO done a month back and am experiencing the exact same symptoms as you (Pain and Burning sensation on my thigh almost to me Knees). Can you please share if the Burning sensation on thigh went away on its own after 4-6 months or you had to undergo additional treatment to address the issue. 

    Greatly appreciate if you could respond with the details so I know what to expect. 

    • Did the Thigh Burning Sensation go away on its own and if so how long did it take.
    • If Not, did you have to undergo any specific treatment (Medicines or Surgery) to remediate the issue. Provide details

    Please reply 

  • Hello there.

    I see that you had Inguinal Orchiectomy done about 4 years ago and you experienced Pain/Burning Sensation in you thigh even 4 months after Surgery. I also had an IO done a month back and am experiencing the exact same symptoms as you (Pain and Burning sensation on my thigh almost to me Knees). Can you please share if the Burning sensation on thigh went away on its own after 4-6 months or you had to undergo additional treatment to address the issue. 

    Greatly appreciate if you could respond with the details so I know what to expect. 

    • Did the Thigh Burning Sensation go away on its own and if so how long did it take.
    • If Not, did you have to undergo any specific treatment (Medicines or Surgery) to remediate the issue. Provide details

    Please reply 

    1. Hi there, I know this thread is 6 years old, but I'm wondering if the pain the original poster was experiencing got any better, as I too am suffering the same pain. Pain at the inner thigh shooting down to the knee and sometimes below knee too, it can also feels like a burning sensation. Also pain at the inguinal pelvis region.
  • Hi  

    Unfortunately the original poster is no longer a member of the online community, hence the username has been changed to FormerMember, so they won't see your message.

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