My Dad has just been diagnosed with stomach cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 28 subscribers

My Dad has just found out that the cancer is bigger than originally thought and he now has to go for a laparoscopy to see if they are able to operate successfully.  Their main concern is his age as he is in his 80's.  I was wondering what you thought about me writing him a letter about what an amazing Dad he is and how proud we are of him.   He is so loved but I don't want him to think I'm writing this as a goodbye.  Looking for feedback please and thanks in advance 

  • I’m sorry to hear about your dad’s diagnosis. It’s hard to get your head around and so many emotions. Both my mother and father in law have passed in the last year, and I continually said to my can’t have this time again, so go with your gut instinct! 
    So do whatever is right for you and for your dad! Show them how much you love them and how grateful for all they did for you! If you want to write a letter, go ahead! 
    The little things mean so much.. watching a TV programme together or just sharing a cup of tea!

    Hopefully there will be a treatment and you will have many days and weeks to show him all the love you feel! 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thank you for your kind words it's really appreciated