Completely overwhelmed

  • 8 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hi, My mum died at the beginning of December and almost immediately I started to have problems with acid indigestion I rode that out with over the counter meds believing it was caused by stress, but by new year, things were no better. Luckily I have digital GP access and PMI so was able to get a quick referral. I went for a gastroscopy on Wednesday this week, believing I would be booking in for a hiatus hernia repair, but I left with a cancer diagnosis and I’m completely at sea. 

I'm booked in for a CT on Monday. I’m clinging to the fact that my pre-op ultrasound showed no anomalies, but things have deteriorated so quickly and I’m terrified. I can barely eat anything now. Last week my portions were small, but this week, I’m literally living on veg soup and yoghurt. Desperately looking for words of reassurance as I try to remain positive. 

  • Try not to worry until you have the full information. It sounds like the symptoms are quite recent, so hopefully it's been found early. Whatever the results, you will receive good support via the hospital and they will provide a management plan. I'm sorry that you've recently lost your mum too. 

  • I am really sorry to hear about your diagnosis, especially so soon after your mum’s death.   There will now be a number of tests so that the medical team can get as much information as possible.  This will then determine the treatment plan.

    This is the hardest time because you don’t know what you are dealing with!  You have only had symptoms for a short time so hopefully it’s been found early.

    Stomach cancer is treatable as many on this group can relate.  Try to focus on what you can control.  Eating is difficult for you just now so perhaps ask about high protein shakes.  I increased my protein intake and ate high calorie foods when I was first diagnosed.  
    I found doing things to distract me helped… going for a walk if I felt well enough.  
    Do use this group for support, there are lots of lovely people who are living well without a stomach!

    Good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thank you for your kind words, I know I’ll feel more in control when I understand what I have to deal with. I’m clinging to the very recent symptoms, ultrasound and the fact that I’m a fit, health and active 54 year old, with no other health issues, I eat pretty well usually and my Zoe gut health Scores were 86% when I tested last June, so I’m counting on my body fighting back Fingers crossed tone1

  • Hi, I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis and of the passing of your mum in December… so glad to hear everything is moving quickly for you with appointments etc… I was diagnosed in November 2021 at 53 years old… it came as a shock too as I had no symptoms just a routine endoscopy and colonoscopy and it was found… I was diagnosed after biopsies and a scan which I was told was stage 4 signet ring… I had 8 rounds of chemo and my stomach removed in 2022… I’m back at work as normal… eating literally everything in small amounts and have gained a stone in weight in the last 12 months… life is back to normal as before diagnosis and the main thing I did was I stayed positive throughout… 

    Keep in touch and take care… it will be a rollercoaster ride and you will feel like it’s just a dream… but hang on tight… 


  • Thank you so much for sharing your story, it really does help me to be positive when I hear these real life experiences and people living a full life after cancer. I have way too much to live for and too much to do. Thank you. 

  • Vespa glad to hear you are doing so well. Can I ask if  they found it in the lymph nodes ? 

  • You are very welcome… 


  • Hi, no I didn’t have anything found in my lymph nodes… all 30 biopsies came back negative. 
