Stomach cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Hello its taken me a while to post, I have been diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer on the 9th December, we made the best we could of Christmas with all family staying over. We are all devastated and broken but also try to stay positive. I start palliative chemo and immunotherapy on Wednesday which hopefully will give me longer with my family. I wasn't in pain until this last couple of weeks and now need medication to keep it under control. I keep working from home to  keep me focused and to ve fair work have been amazing. So scared for Wednesday and what the future holds 

  • Hi Patsy I’m so sorry to hear this. I’m just sending you a big hug and hope the chemo gives you a lot more time. You sound a very brave lady which I’m sure will help you along the way.  Xx

    Sue Xx
  • Hi, so sorry yo hear this. Why is it terminal. What stage is it in?

  • Hi Careful, it's stage 4 and spread to the omentum and peritoneum, we have today been to see the consultant and unfortunately do not fit the criteria for immunotherapy, however start 6 rounds of chemo first starting on Wednesday oxaliplatin and Capecitabine, fingers crossed and being very positive this will give me more time xx

  • Hi Sue 

    Thank you for replying means a lot x. 

  • Hi It’s good to hear that there’s a treatment plan for you.  Do read the profile of  It’s so inspiring!  There are a number of really positive stories from people like you who have been diagnosed with incurable but treatable cancer.  There’s a difference between being incurable but treatable and terminal.

    Hoping the chemo does its job!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!