Update on endoscopy result re stomach cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 28 subscribers

still slightly “in limbo” ……had endoscopy yesterday ……no obvious cancer was found but extreme inflammation, polyps and 

some suspect tissue which has been taken and sent for histology . I’m relieved ( of course !) to know nothing is obvious …but now it’s a waiting game till the results . If they are suspect I’m in for additional endoscopy and mapping . 
my problems remain Rolling eyes  No appetite, nausea and discomfort.

Thank you for letting me write it down ….it helps . My heart goes out to all who are experiencing the awful vagaries of this evil disease .


  • Hi

    This will be an anxious time for you until you get the pathology results.  If it is stomach cancer, it will be early stages and there will be a treatment plan.  I had similar symptoms and the endoscopy didn’t find anything but there was a small patch that was cancer.  I had chemo and then a partial gastrectomy.  That was four years ago and I now lead a normal life, eating and drinking as before.

    Hopefully you will get the results soon and it may well be a gall bladder issue, which has similar symptoms, so it may not be cancer.

    Fingers crossed!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thank you so very much for your encouraging reply !  It is comforting to hear of a similar case ……I’m so glad it’s turned out well for you . I know the uncertainty you suffered though at the time . I had breast cancer years ago …..surgery and chemo . I was very fortunate indeed that time .

    Gall bladder already removed Rolling eyes…so not the problem . Keep going like this and I’ll literally be “ half the person I was !”.

    Thankyou again …..it’s helped me tremendously Jac .


  • Mol

    So sorry to hear you have had cancer before!  It’s not good to find yourself in that movie again!   Do you have a date for getting the results?  It’s usually a couple of weeks!  It will be such a anxious time!

    Try to find things to distract you but that’s not so easy if you feel unwell!

    Take care x


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Bless you ……yes I was 42 and was warned it was aggressive. I had an amazing oncologist…..the chemo was extreme but so worth it ! I’m now 76 Rolling eyes ……..timing a bit unfortunate lol 

    I’ve got a good support network with family and friends …..and I really am grateful for your input . They didn’t give me a time line , but looking up the procedures……I reckon 2-3 weeks . 
    Thank you again …..will let you know
