Severe pain after total gastrectomy

  • 6 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Severe pain after total gastrectomy 5 weeks after surgery anyone else experience this admitted back in to hospital due to pain

  • Hi

    I'm really sorry to read about the severe pain that you've suffered since having a total gastrectomy and that you've been admitted back into hospital. I hope you're feeling a lot more comfortable now.

    I haven't had this procedure but noticed that you hadn't had any replies to your post yet. I've searched for 'gastrectomy' within the group and found these previous posts which mention it. You could have a read through some of them to see if anyone else has had a similar experience.

    When you're feeling up to it, it would be great if you could pop something about about your diagnosis and treatment so far into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.


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  • Hi, I’m so sorry to hear what’s happening with you! I had a total gastrectomy in April and I’ve had no problems since the operation… I do hope the doctors can find the source of your pain and treat it… wishing you all the best, keep us updated on your recovery. 

  • Hi thanks

    Hopefully going home with pain relief

    Still need a ultrasound scan but there's a back log

    Majority of surgeons that have seen me are all saying it's my gallbladder hence more surgery

    The pain is on my right side and very very painfull unable to walk at times

    The medication is just masking the pain

    Hopefully after scan will.get to.the end of this pain


  • Awww I’m glad they’ve given you pain relief… fingers crossed they find the source on the scan. I have heard gallbladders are very painful if it is the problem. When I was in hospital recovering after my op a lady came in with the same symptoms as you and it was her gallbladder, she had it removed the next day and she was pain free. 
    All the best for you and keep positive thoughts, you’ll be better soon. 
    Thank you for your update… 


  • I had the gasrectomy and ended up in ICU for 9 days altogether with hospital acquired pneumonia 

    Was only home less than a week and started with this side pain and back in to hospital

    I just want to start feeling a little better 

    Also most foods even after Chewing lots

    Hurt when swallowing it feels like i'm never going to feel right 


  • Hi

    I has a subtotal gastrectomy,  approx 70%, 4 weeks ago. I had pain yes, and then soreness than pain really. Tiredness, difficult to walk or sit up straight. But in last 7 days thing improving, I think I turned a corner.

    You'll be ok, it takes time. Keep positive,  things will improve Vida. The corner is near for you.