Current progress

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Hi all, it’s been a while since I last posted so I thought I’d update proceedings, since I was diagnosed with gastric cancer on March 28th it’s been hell of a roller coaster of emotions, then in April HTO be told it couldn’t be cured and that I was now on palliative care was hard to take 

moving forward, I’ve now had my third infusion along with my daily chemotherapy tablets, I’ve had a steady ride with the treatment, main effects are tiredness and the metallic taste in mouth from chemo, I’ve had sickness and diarrhoea but they have counter reacted this with medication which worked

before the treatment I couldn’t eat anything and lost 4 stone in weight, since starting the treatment I slowly started to eat better and now I’m on nearly full meals again without any problems so hopefully the treatment is working fingers crossed, I know how hard it is to cope with this but if anyone needs a chat or a word of comfort I’m here to help….

  • I'm off chemo treatment completely for three weeks. I was on a week's break after my third cycle when I suddenly started to get very painful soles of my feet to the point where I couldn't walk. It was so bad I didn't want to put my feet on the floor. They say you can suffer hand foot syndrom side effect so I'm assuming it was that. My fingers then became really sensitive and red at the tips and the skin started peeling off. I'm a lot better now although I'm wondering what's going to happen or if they might change my plan. Thing is I've been told immunotherapy and another drug (I think it's called herceptin) won't work for my type of cancer so there's not many options. Hoping to hear from the oncologist soon.

    Can I ask where your cancer is in your stomach. Mine is a cancerous ulcer which is 7cm in size. I knew there was something not right for the last couple of years but kept being told it was my hiatus hernia.

  • Thanks for your reply. That's reassuring to be honest. This is the second time for me too. The last time was after my first cycle because of low blood cell count so I had an extra week break fir that to allow my body to recover.

  • Each body is different and I guess we are affected in different ways with the treatment stay strong buddy, I’m always here to chat 

  • My tumour is the upper stomach and it spread to 5 sections of bone, spine, sternum, hip and another section close to hip, hence the palliative care now, I couldn’t eat anything and lost 4 stone in weight, I started the treatment and eventually I started eating very well again, pre treatment I suffered a lot with indigestion and discomfort from the stomach which has also stopped now, I don’t know how much or if it has spread any further but hoping the treatment is working, I have my next Ct scan mid august so that’s where I’ll find out, obviously I’ll be nervous about the outcome but its something I have to face, 

    im sorry you have suffered with neuropathy I get that after infusion for a few days where I can’t touch anything cold or drink cold drinks, the main effects I get are fatigue (grade1) and metallic taste in my mouth which is horrible.

    remember I’m here if you want to chat, it’s bad enough going through this, I find chatting helps and if I can help anyone I will 


  • It does help to chat. I was devastated when they told me the operation was off the table but I decided to try to stay positive and take one day at a time. I'm more worried about my family than myself. Thank you

    Kind regards 


  • That’s understandable families are so precious to us, for all it’s a difficult time ensure your family join you on this journey, spend every moment with them and reassure them whenever you can, who knows what’s around the corner or in future so live life to the full with your family 


  • i was informed my my oncologist that I’m now going to receive immunotherapy to run alongside my chemotherapy, has anyone got an on-site to the treatment?

    currently laid up with an extremely painful bad back and struggling to move it’s so dam frustrating 

  • sorry to hear that you are struggling have you spoken to your team about your back pain ? i cannot say about your treatment but i only had chemo 

    stay strong  

    Nic nac

  • I have a GP coming out today to have a look at my back