Current progress

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  • 23 subscribers

Hi all, it’s been a while since I last posted so I thought I’d update proceedings, since I was diagnosed with gastric cancer on March 28th it’s been hell of a roller coaster of emotions, then in April HTO be told it couldn’t be cured and that I was now on palliative care was hard to take 

moving forward, I’ve now had my third infusion along with my daily chemotherapy tablets, I’ve had a steady ride with the treatment, main effects are tiredness and the metallic taste in mouth from chemo, I’ve had sickness and diarrhoea but they have counter reacted this with medication which worked

before the treatment I couldn’t eat anything and lost 4 stone in weight, since starting the treatment I slowly started to eat better and now I’m on nearly full meals again without any problems so hopefully the treatment is working fingers crossed, I know how hard it is to cope with this but if anyone needs a chat or a word of comfort I’m here to help….

  • Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for sharing, good to hear that you are eating more normally, your offer of support to others is absolutely amazing and I’m sure appreciated by all, stay strong and good luck xx

  • Thank you for the kind words, I know how my journey has effected not only myself but my friends and family, if I can offer just one thing to someone it’s my current experience and how to emotionally and mentally deal with the diagnosis 

    my weight is now stable and no more loss in over 5 weeks, which is a fantastic resu from where I was first diagnosed 

  • How you doing 

    Nic nac

  • Hi

    First of all id like to say its good to hear that you're doing better with your eating and your weight is stable. It must have been a terrible worry to lose that amount of' weight.

    I've had the same diagnosis as you. I was diagnosed end of January. I was told it was curable but when I had a laparoscopy they said it had spread to the omentum and they could no longer operate so I'm on palliative care. I was meant to start my 4th chemo last Monday but because of a bad side effect it was cancelled for 3 weeks. I'm so worried. I had to have a scan with contrast so now I'm waiting on a call from the oncologist. I was actually, like you, coping quite well until then. Now I'm really anxious about not having any treatment for 3 weeks but I'm trying to stay positive. I'm on Cisplatin infused and Capecitabine tablets 6 a day for 14 days. 

    I would just like to wish you and everyone else going through this horrible disease the very best of luck with your ongoing treatment 

  • Hi, not too bad atm, tired all the time, fatigued and a horrible metallic taste in my mouth 

  • I had my operation in August last year still have trouble with certain  foods and bile   wright loss is at about 9 stone but I was a big unit at that time 

    Nic nac

  • Waiting will always be an anxious time, in on my 3 cycle and have a scan in august which as you can imagine I’m not looking forward to but it’s best to know either way do you can mentally prepare yourself, my blood results are still coming back good with no concerns so hopefully the treatment is working 

  • I lost 4 stone but my weight is holding well

  • What bad side effects did you experience, are you bit taking any tablets for three weeks as well 

  • Scott remember you not been on your chemotherapy for three weeks shouldn’t be problematic, I’ve missed weeks here and there due to dehydration and a chest infection, the oncologist and his team have your best Interest at heart mate and also remember the chemo is basically poisoning our bodies and it’s a long hard bloody battle, please let me know how things go mate
