Current progress

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  • 23 subscribers

Hi all, it’s been a while since I last posted so I thought I’d update proceedings, since I was diagnosed with gastric cancer on March 28th it’s been hell of a roller coaster of emotions, then in April HTO be told it couldn’t be cured and that I was now on palliative care was hard to take 

moving forward, I’ve now had my third infusion along with my daily chemotherapy tablets, I’ve had a steady ride with the treatment, main effects are tiredness and the metallic taste in mouth from chemo, I’ve had sickness and diarrhoea but they have counter reacted this with medication which worked

before the treatment I couldn’t eat anything and lost 4 stone in weight, since starting the treatment I slowly started to eat better and now I’m on nearly full meals again without any problems so hopefully the treatment is working fingers crossed, I know how hard it is to cope with this but if anyone needs a chat or a word of comfort I’m here to help….

  • So sorry to hear you're suffering with bad back pain. It's frustrating when you can't move or do things for yourself. I've suffered with this myself so I know how horrible it is. I'm glad your going to be seen by a gp as they'll be able to give you strong pain medication

    Good luck with the immunotherapy. I don't really know much about it but anything that helps you fight this horrible disease has to be a good thing. Hope you get over your back pain very soon. Best wishes


  • I am glad things are going OK  for you , I am at this moment sitting in the chemo suite plugged in having  the first part of my first treatment ...fortunately I have managed to eat if only small picky meals as I had a stent fitted cancer is incurable as well , so they say lol , but we will.see about that ....all the best and good luck ...