Husband Diagnosed with Stage 2/3 Stomach Cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Hello, My husband was diagnosed with Stage 2/3 Stomach Cancer about a month ago. He had a procedure to look at the abdominal lining and it has not spread outside the stomach, although he has not had a petscan yet. Will have one on Monday. He has 5cm tumor in proximal stomach. His cancer has poorly differentiated cells which is an aggressive cancer. His treatment will be FLOT chemo starting next week for 16 weeks then total gastrectomy. Any insight is greatly welcomed. Wondering how the FLOT will be, and worried about the aggressiveness of the poorly differentiated cells. Would love to hear from someone with similar situation. Thanks so much

  • Welcome to our lovely group!  FLOT is the usual chemotherapy and everyone reacts differently.  I had an aggressive stomach cancer five years ago and chemo followed by surgery resulted in a complete cure.  Chemo can reduce the tumour, my surgeon told me he operated on someone who had a T2 but following chemo it had shrunk to a T1.

    The really positive thing is there no spread outside the stomach!  It will be a really scary time as you come to terms with this.  I would focus on the things you can control..getting as strong physically and mentally.  Eating high protein foods, exercising even just walking everyday really helps!  Do use this group, there are some really positive stories which people will share!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hello.

    So sorry to hear your husband has this horrible journey too as does my husband.  

    My husband has had two rounds of chemo up to now, the first being OK, until he caught an infection and ended up in hospital for a week, they couldn't say what the infection was but after IV ABs, he was discharged the day before his 2nd chemo was due, and managed to have that on time without any delays.  

    2nd chemo has gone really good. Fatigue has gone after a couple days, he's eating everything, and apart from his goatie and moustache starting to thin, he's OK. (Which upset me more than him) lol.

    He's glad he had the picc line now, his veins are hard to get at the best of times, and following his infection journey with ABs, he's glad he made the right choice. 

    It's a hard time. It's a worrying nightmare. But just keep an eye on him, and tell him to listen to his body, and ALWAYS  ring his red card if you need too. 

    Sending love, and hope Mondays petscan goes well. 


  • Thanks so much for the inspiration. Adam begins FLOT this week. I like your advice about getting as strong as you can. Will keep you posted. 

  • Hi Musiclover, Thanks so much for the response. Sounds like you are a few weeks ahead of us. I appreciate the intel/advice. How are you guys doing?

  • Hi ZenDreamWeaver

    We're doing OK thanks, I think. ......

    I have ups and downs, so does he, but we get through it, I can't lie, it's the hardest thing ever, but we're managing.  Somedays I fall apart,  then the next, I'm OK again. Talk about being on a rollercoaster. Emotions are taking a battering. Sob

    Today he's an appointment with his oncologist,  then Wednesday is chemo again. 

    Fingers Fingers crossed he responds like he did this time around to it. 

    It seems to me, he gets more trouble from the injection he has on Friday (white blood cells) than the chemo itself. Shrug

    Let us know how today goes. I'll be thinking about you. 

    Take care. Xx