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  • 23 subscribers

I am the first one to give out advice and support on the forum . I wish i could listen to myself and takd mv own advice. 

PreOp tomorrow not so nervous about that one its aweek on Tuesday that's  giving me sleepless nights nervous anxiety dont seem to be able to control it . Will speak to GI  nurses  tomorrow to see if i xan do anything else to calm me down 


  • Really sorry to hear you’re suffering sleepless nights but completely understandable.  I used the app Headspace to manage the anxiety and also help me sleep.  I still use it when I worry about cancer returning!  The doctor may prescribe some meds to help you sleep, which might help on a temporary basis.  But it’s trying to control your thoughts that’s the big issue! The fear is overwhelming at times, especially at night. 

    I coped by taking control of the things that I could… planning things to keep me busy and that made me happy! Things to distract me and having a focus every day! Headspace helped me manage the panic…I bought the monthly subscription.

    If you have a Maggie’s centre near you, they offer support too.  It’s about getting through the next week and you will be amazed how quickly you recover!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!