Taking time off - optimisation

  • 2 replies
  • 23 subscribers

I have a very understanding job, but obviously not an unlimited goodwill there. 

From your post-op experience, does it make sense to take the week off for when my husband is in the hospital? Or is the first (and the second) weeks home are more important?

Another thing that makes me nervous is a drive home. It’s about 45 mins for us, mostly bumpy country roads. I’m dreading this, can a person tolerate it a week post-op?

  • I think that being there when your husband comes home is useful as feeding requires a lot of planning!  He won’t be discharged untie he is recovered and physically able to do simple care for himself .  Being in the car should be fine but I found a cushion or pillow on your stomach helps when sitting up and it may help in the car if there are bumps in the road!

    Work can be a distraction but equally you will want to visit him, so it will be exhausting physically and emotionally!  
    The main thing is to plan soft foods as eating is a lot of trial and error! 
    Hope all goes well!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi, I agree with Jacqui having someone at home when he first comes home is probably more useful. I prepared things like cheesy mash home made rice pudding (using sweetener as a substitute for sugar) and other soft foods and froze them in small containers so something was ready and didn’t take long defrosting xx