Update please

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A chap had his operation i think on Thursday i am sorry cannot remember nane or find the post. If it's  your Dad can we have a update on how he is doing please. Last we heard he had a little problem  with his lung and catheter.  I hope hes doing well and i wish him all the best xx

  • Think it was  dad   Hope he’s doing ok now x

    Sue Xx
  • Thanks Sue

    Nic nac

  • Evening all, it’s been a tough three days but he’s doing ok and things are going in the right direction. They’ve just removed the drain out of his chest which was put in due to the lung issue, he’s doing well and breathing has improved. X ray tonight showed his lungs are still spongey so he needs to try and work on building them up. He’s absolutely exhausted and hasn’t slept for three days Heartpulse being in critical care they are checking on him every few minutes (which I’m happy about! ) The sound of all the monitors and various drips and tubes isn’t helping but he’s stable and that’s what we are all grateful for. 
    He has a morphine button but he’s not using it as he doesn’t like how it makes him feel but I’ve told him he must use it now as the anaesthetic will now be wearing off. 
    Each day is a step closer to recovery and I’m so grateful for everything the hospital is doing and also the support in this group. Xx

  • Nice to hear hes  on the road to recovery and getting better each day xx

    Nic nac

  • Great news Nat, has he not got an epidural in, that stopped most of my husbands pain. Keep us informed and get some rest your self xx

    Sue Xx
  • I’m not too sure Sue, he said before the surgery he had a needle in his back so maybe he did? 
    I’ve just called the hospital and he’s sat up in the chair and has had a wash! 
    It’s day three today and every day is one step closer to him coming home. Hopefully he will be out of critical care tomorrow or Tuesday? 
    What day did they start to try your husband on soups Sue? He’s only been on 100ml of water every hour so far xx

  • He didn’t have anything to eat for 5 days then a cup of tea, then a Lasagna (kinda mushy) after that whatever he wanted keeping in mind all the people on the ward were eating soft food,  That will be the epidural in his back, my husbands came out on the 5th day along with the other tubes and things, your dads could be a bit longer if he’s had problems. The feeding tube stayed in although it was never used, that came out on the first hospital appointment about 3 weeks after discharge. My husband never used the morphine button, just whatever was going in through the tubes.

    Did your dad have chemo Nat, my husband didn’t, we was told the hospital don’t give it to over 75s as found they don’t do so well with it, I do know someone who’s 80 who had his Osophagus out and didn’t have chemo at the same hospital, 

    Anything you want to know just ask, I’m sure one of us can help, take care Xx

    Sue Xx
  • Thanks Sue

    They have sent him down for a CT scan as the drain from his nose which goes into his stomach is aspirating too much so they need to check there’s no leak. 
    yes he had four rounds of FLOT and did really well on it. The plan is to have another four post op. 
    I’ll keep you all updated xx

  • So CT scan shows a small leak in the oesophagus which can cause an infection. Dad will have to stay in for a minimum of three weeks with no food or water passing the mouth which will hopefully make the tear heal. Will be fed via drip on IV

    They will scan again in approx ten days and review, praying it starts to heal as if not they will have to put camera and clamps down then potentially operate again which brings risks- I don’t want to think about this just yet. Has anyone had this experience? X

  • Nat

    You are in our thoughts, and jope Dad recovers quickly from this set back 

    Nic nac