Update please

  • 14 replies
  • 25 subscribers

A chap had his operation i think on Thursday i am sorry cannot remember nane or find the post. If it's  your Dad can we have a update on how he is doing please. Last we heard he had a little problem  with his lung and catheter.  I hope hes doing well and i wish him all the best xx

  • So sorry to hear that Nat, I know how worrying it can be when things go wrong but remember he’s in the right place and they’ll look after him. Take care xx

    Sue Xx
  • Sorry to hear about this setback for your dad.  This will be a worrying time for you but he will get the best of care! Hopefully the leak will heal and further surgery won’t be needed! Fingers crossedFingers crossed


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Nat 

    Hows your dad xx

    Nic nac

  • Hi all, 

    Just got back from seeing him, he’s improving from the surgery each day and actually walked to the toilet and back today. 
    They’ve fitted an IV line this evening for food and fluids as he will be nil by mouth for several weeks. Just praying this leak in the oesophagus heals. He was chatting and laughing with us this evening , still really scared and anxious but another day closer to recovery today xx