Stomach and bowel problems

  • 6 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Been having problems with my stomach and bowels since last year ,just got my appointment through for the 7th of May I am feeling let down by doctors been in alot of pain across my stomach area for long time now scared about the appointment and what they going to find .

  • Hi

    This will be an anxious time for you!  There are many things that cause problems with your stomach and bowels that are not cancer.  But it’s always what you fear most!

    It may well be something which is easy to treat but if it is cancer there are so many treatment options, don’t go to the worst case scenario!

    Its good you are now being seen and there will be lots of tests to come, so that the medical team can decide the right pathway.

    In the meantime, my advice try to keep busy and look after your physical and mental health.  I walked a lot and used the Headspace app to manage the anxiety.

    Do use this Forum as there’s lots of lovely people to help.

    Good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi,

    I am going through the same thing and besides myself with worry.
    Was wondering what your symptoms were and how your appointment went?


  • Hi

    I am not sure if Mejb will respond as it was posted a number of months ago.   Stomach and bowel problems are very common and may not be cancer.

    If it is then there’s treatments available and the earlier it is found the better.

    Have you been referred for tests? I know only too well what a scary and anxious time it is, but it’s easier once you know what you are dealing with!

    Don’t Google as it’s often out of date!  Do use this Forum for support!

    Good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi Jac,

    Thank you for letting me know!

    I did a separate post about my health concerns here: 

    Dr Google is an addiction I can’t seem to get rid of, whenever I wake up from pain at night I instinctively grab my phone and start searching for answers that I know I will never find.

    I’m just riddled with worry as I’ve had stomach issues as far back as 5 years ago and now have all the symptoms that’s listed on the web Disappointed Xx

  • Hi I had stomach cramps and burping for a long time had a endoscopy it was gastric, don't go on Google I used to look up every pain amd symptom made myself crazy , I still have bowel issues but waiting for my gallbladder to be removed and go from there , x

  • Hi Meljb,

    Thank you for taking the time to respond and glad to know it was only gastric for you. Can I ask whether your stomach cramps would come and go or whether they were constant?

    Good luck with your gallbladder removal! X