Good news post: a stage IV success story

  • 55 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I have written extensively in my profile about my dad's journey with stage IV cancer dating from his diagnosis in 2017. We're about to go into 2021 and he's NED - free of disease.I hope that new members can find hope from his story, and older members, please know I did my first update in nearly a year if you'd like to know how he's doing.

If I can be of help, please do get in contact, but do check on my profile about how best to ensure I'll see your messages!

In strength and solidarity,


  • Hi

    That's fabulous news about your dad being NED! I hope you were able to have a little celebration.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Hi I'm so happy for you and your dad I will keep this happy positive story in my mind my husband has just been diagnosed stage 4 cancer not got treatment plan yet I'm terrified if there's no treatment I read that many horror storys but Thank you for sharing x


  • Sorry forgot to say stomach cancer 


  • Hi that is absolutely fantastic news about your dad my husband has just been diagnosed with stage four stomach cancer we waiting for he's treatment plan he's fine about it I'm so anxious I don't understand anything about treatments. When we got told he has cancer I thought right let's sort this then the nurse said stage 4 the world just come crashing down on us . I have read lots of different things saying not very good survival rate for stage 4 . It is in he's stomach and couple of lpyth nodes I'm hoping that it will be surgery. If you don't mind me asking what treatments Did your dad have ? 


  • Can I ask where abouts in the stomach the tumour is, as my dad has just been diagnosed with cancer at the top of the stomach which has gone into his oesophagus 

  • If u go on to her profile by clicking on her name ul be able to read her dads story hun 

  • Hi I'm so sorry about your dad my husband has it between the stomach and bowel 


  • It's a complete nightmare as my dads has not gone to his liver, it is just at the top of the stomach to the entrance of the oesophagus it has gone into the oesophagus too, but it's to dangerous to operate m, cant get my head round it m, so upsetting 

  • Awww I'm so so sorry it's awful.I can't get my head around husband's diagnoses I feel like any minute i will wake up from this nightmare. My husband starts radiotherapy next Wednesday for five days because of covid we haven't seen ongulist face to face which is so annoying as we want to ask what is going to happen . Im just hoping it will be something they can shrink that operate. My husband is so strong he's ready for what ever they throw at him it's me who is absolutely terrified. I have never been so scared in my life he is my world we have been together 25 years I cannot lose him. X


  • My mum is in bits they have been together for 56 years, my dad Is having a stent put in monday so he can eat better as the turmour is blocking his oesophagus, thinking of getting a second opinion, even though they would probably say the same thing xx so has your husband got a chance then of getting the cancer removed