Follow up after treatment

  • 8 replies
  • 23 subscribers

I finished my treatment in July this year, o had the standard, 4 FLOT, total gastrectomy, 4 FLOT. Now I see my surgical team every 3 months, but all they do is blood tests for tumor markers, CEA and CA199. As these were low when I was first diagnosed with stomach cancer, should I push my team for more tests? They are planning to do a CT scan in May. I just had my first test done, markers are very low, but I am not reassured. I am overwhelmed with anxiety about the cancer coming back. 

  • Hi, I finished my FLOT in July as well after surgery, I had some discomfort and horrendous diarrhoea my team organised a gastroscopy which was fine and I had a Contrast CT last week, I haven’t had any blood tests done. I am feeling a lot better now, it’s difficult to stop thinking that the cancer has come back, I’m sure your team know what they are doing, I appreciate it’s sometimes difficult to control anxiety, take care x

  • I appreciate your response, it is so difficult not to overthink and worry. 

  • Your post struck a chord with me! The fear of cancer is hard to cope with! I have read this article by Dr Peter Harvey many times.

    Every ache and pain causes real anxiety. I think of it like this!

    You know the phrase, I’ll see you tomorrow if I don’t get run over by a bus!  If you are diagnosed with cancer, you have been in the middle of the road with the bus coming towards you! 
    Afterwards you often find yourself at the bus stop watching for the bus! 
    So I work hard not to waste time at the bus stop! 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Do you have only surgical follow ups, no clinical oncologist that you can ask for this scan? My husband is stuck between two hospitals, surgical team in one, oncology in the other, and they can’t see each other’s records, which is a completely different story. 

  • I’m not sure why they’re testing them if they weren’t showing as a marker to begin with and they’re not very accurate when it comes to stomach cancer xx 

  • Exactly what I’m thinking. What follow up plan are you on? Are you going to get CT scan? I’m terrified of the wait and see game. 

  • They don’t normally do follow up CT scans post treatment, there is a trial called the SARONG trial looking into doing it though you could ask to be entered into the trial? My surgeon does do 6 monthly scans for 2 years and then yearly up to 5 x

  • Hi I had total gastrectomy one year ago in August. Now I have ct scan every 6 months for a year and then it will longer.