Post operation chemo and nerve damage

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

My husband's has just had a successful PG the tumour was clear round it when removed, of the 25 lymph nodes only 3 had cancer. The tumour if T2. We went to speak to the chemo doctor for post operation preventative chemo yestarday and that's where our problems started. The intial chemo has given my husband nerve damage in his hands and feet, if they do the same level again it could end up worse damage to his nerves. The doctor has said he could have low chemo, but this risk is nerve damage. The doctor said they've can't do any tests to determine he still has cancer. So the risk is do no chemo and cancer could develop elsewhere, or do chemo risk more damage to nerves but at only low level so may not remove any cancer that's if there is any..just so confused feel like we are stuck between a rock and hard place ..has anybody that has been through this that can offer their experience??

  • Hi, I had some neuropathy which was temporary during the first 4 rounds of FLOT chemo,since the 2nd rounds of chemo this has remained in my finger tips but it is something that I’m prepared to live with if it means I can remain cancer free, I did not want the dosage to be reduced, hope it improves for him over time x

  • I had neuropathy when I had chemo for bowel cancer.  The last dose wasn’t given as they were concerned about nerve damage.  I can feel some numbness when it’s very cold but it’s easy to manage.

    When I was diagnosed with stomach cancer six years ago, I had chemo before surgery.  The oncologist said he wouldn’t give me FLOT because of the oxaliplatin which can cause neuropathy.  So I had ECX which doesn’t cause neuropathy.  There are different chemotherapy treatments so it would be worth a discussion about options. 
    Good luck!


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