Stomach Cancer Stage 4 Signet Ring

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My husband was diagnosed with Stomach Cancer July 2023 with biopsy taken from endoscopy on stomach. He completed 8 cycles of FLOT chemo. January 2023 he had total gastrectomy at UNC Chapel Hill. He had a feeding tube for about 6 weeks after that. He recovered after about 4 months and was doing really well. Pathology on resected stomach showed Stage 3 signet ring poorly differentiated cells with spread to 8 out of 18 lymph nodes that were also resected. About a month ago he started feeling poorly. Pet scan done 6 months after surgery showed some suspicious signs. He had two more CT scans which shows fast moving cancer moving to peritenuem, adrenal lymph node and malignant ascites - Stage 4. His liver enzymes were also very high so he just last week had procedure to unblock the bile duct. Liver enzymes are coming down now. He has also had the ascites drained and will prob need a weekly drain done. UNC can only recommend another type of chemo for treatment which does not extend life for much longer. They are saying weeks to months left to live. We are looking for second opinions and also looking into mistletoe treatment. We are in the U.S. Does anyone have any thoughts/advice? Thanks so much