Surgeon appointment tomorrow

  • 3 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Going to hear what the post-chemo PET scan shows, and hopefully the date of the operation. The other alternative doesn’t bear thinking about. I’m so nervous. 

Made a list of questions. Any questions you asked/wish you had asked?

  • Hi, fingers crossed Fingers crossed for your appointment tomorrow, my post chemo scan didn’t show any change in the size of the tumour, they said that they can’t really give an accurate histology until after the surgery and it’s looked at under a microscope.  
    I have had my surgery now and back on FLOT chemo  just 7 weeks later, my recovery is going well 
    Keep going, we can beat this xx

  • The surgeon said “partial response”, which is pretty good for adenocarcinoma. 
    The operation is on the 5th. Fingers crossed

    • Hi, that’s what I got told before the surgery
    • I ham doing well, and after surgery my histology came back as stage 3 but negative in all 14 lymph node’s removed, initially it was diagnosed as stage 2 with 2 nodes
    • so keep going and look forward, I just tick off each day as it’s one day closer to being over xx