What is the typical wait between the staging tests and start of treatment?

  • 27 replies
  • 17 subscribers

My husband had endoscopy in mid-December, then scan, PET, and finally staging laparoscopy on 29/02. The surgeon said it’s operable, but needs chemo beforehand,

and referred him to an oncologist in another hospital. 

Has anyone been in this situation, what’s the typical wait time before he is called for the treatment to start?

My brain can’t comprehend how both things the surgeon and the gastroenterologist said can be true at the same time:

1. It’s a very aggressive cancer, need full stomach removal, and we need the exact staging information to decide how to proceed

2. The wait will not invalidate the staging information, don’t worry that we are not starting your chemo straight away. 

  • I didnt realise how long things took, meanwhile its torture waiting. 

    Hope everything goes well for you and thankyou for your reply

  • Hi

    It was end of January so about a week or two. I had real problems with the PICC line, gave me rash and had to change arms halfway through. If I’d been offerrd tablets instead of pump I’d have def taken that. 
    My chemo finished two weeks ago and I’ve had another CT scan and MDT is tomorrow so hopefully I’ll get surgery date. My scan showed de bulking of tumour, although it was quite vague about how much etc. 

    I hope the chemo goes better for you than it did for me, I’ve really struggled with it both physically and emotionally. It’s caused my to be tech and bad tempered and negative  about my future. My advice is don’t let anyone tell you how you should feel, and listen to your body. 

  • They said it was an infusion every three weeks, plus either 2 days of pump or 2 weeks of tablets with a weeks break! 
    I wonder why they offer tablets to some people but not others ? Is it because of the type of cancer i wonder. 
    Sorry to hear youve had a tough time, i really hope you get a date for surgery soon! 

  • Started the first round of FLOT this morning, wish us luck. 

  • So its taken around a month? Thats what the turn around has been like for us. 4 weeks. Start capox friday . 
    good luck 

  • Less than a month from seeing the oncologist but almost 6 weeks from staging laparoscopy and two months from PET scan. 
    best of luck to you on Friday.