What is the typical wait between the staging tests and start of treatment?

  • 27 replies
  • 17 subscribers

My husband had endoscopy in mid-December, then scan, PET, and finally staging laparoscopy on 29/02. The surgeon said it’s operable, but needs chemo beforehand,

and referred him to an oncologist in another hospital. 

Has anyone been in this situation, what’s the typical wait time before he is called for the treatment to start?

My brain can’t comprehend how both things the surgeon and the gastroenterologist said can be true at the same time:

1. It’s a very aggressive cancer, need full stomach removal, and we need the exact staging information to decide how to proceed

2. The wait will not invalidate the staging information, don’t worry that we are not starting your chemo straight away. 

  • Hi, I’m sorry to hear about your husband, it’s a massive shock when you are told, I had a gastroscopy mid November last year followed by a laparoscopy in December for the staging. I waited until the beginning of February to start the chemotherapy. You should get a Dr appointment before the chemo starts, I would write all your questions down before this as I came away very confused about what stage the cancer was. Don’t leave until everything is clear to you. The chemotherapy hasn’t not been too bad for me, but I make sure that I drink plenty for a few days to wash the toxins out. I wish you all the best in this journey and hope all goes well for your husband. If you are someone who Google’s I advise you stick to Mackmillan, cancer research or NHS sites as others can be scary.  I found this leaflet very helpful, happy to stay in touch with you 


  • Thanks! The cancer nurse talked to us after the surgeon appointment and gave us lots of useful brochures from Macmillan and NHS, yes. She also put us in touch with a group of survivors of stomach and oesophagus cancer, they have online meetings which also seem useful. 
    I’m just struggling to be patient through all the delays, from the first contact with GP in October. :( 

  • The delays are difficult to cope with, I was seeing my GP for months before the referral was made. Just have to keep thinking of the future and making plans for when the treatment finishes. There’s some very positive outcomes that we have to focus on.

  • I got diagnosed in December following endoscopy or unrelated hernia issue. Ive been told it’s contained and chemo followed by gastroscopy should fix it. Ive got 4 chemo session and ive done 3 now, which has been quite tough. Worse bit is the pain in hands and feet when cold, and general exhaustion. Just try and get lots of sleep and drink plenty of water. My staging from CT and PET ive been told is 2-3 but ive not had anyone mention laparoscopy other than the main surgery 4-6 weeks after chemo ceases. Best of luck with your husbands treatment 

  • Thanks! Massive variety of timelines, by the looks of it. His endoscopy was also mid-December, and best case the chemo will start before end of March (just heard from the hospital this morning, the oncologist appointment is next Thursday). 

  • Hi

    that’ seems like a long delay until chemo, did they say why? If that was me I’d be kicking off by now! 

  • There is no “why”. :( Something like:

    15/12 - endoscopy, the doctor took biopsy and scheduled CT scan right after the appointment "just in case"

    15/01 - CT scan

    26/01 - see gastroenterologist, who says “cancer” based on the biopsy and scan, referral to another hospital for PET scan and surgeon consultation

    February is a bit of a blur, but he had PET scan, then saw the consultant surgeon who said he wants laparoscopy.

    29/02 - laparoscopy

    4/03 - see the surgeon again, referral back to the first hospital for oncologist and chemo

    7/03 - after two days of chasing got the oncologist appointment for 14/03

    Same with the path from GP to the first gastroenterologist appointment - no specific delay, just a week here and two weeks there, lets do blood test, lets do stool test, everything adds up. :( 

  • Good luck with the last chemo, hopefully we won’t have to wait too long for the surgery 

  • I had my CT same day as endoscopy and my consultant told me before the scan he thought it was cancer. That was on 18/12 and on 27/12 i saw surgeon. I have to say that your delay would not be acceptable to me. I’m not sure why I wasn’t offered laparoscopy, mine must be slightly different im guessing. It’s up to you what you do but id be pushing like mad at this point if i were you.