Surgery tomorrow if bed available

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  • 17 subscribers

Stomach removal planned tomorrow if bed available. Reading people’s blogs has helped me make this decision so thanks to all. Naturally anxious as I am a fit 86 but the chance of a cure is not available to everyone.  The staff at the hospital have been fantastic   Diagnosed late Oct with the cancer contained within the lining so speed vital.  Even at my age there is so much to look forward to    Once again thanks to everyone who posted their experience. 

  • Hope all goes well tomorrow and you will then begin recovery!  Please do let us know how you get on and any questions you have!

    Wishing you all the best! 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Good luck, I hope all goes well for you, as you say timing is key 

    I was diagnosed end of November with the cancer being contained but have to wait for chemo to start at the beginning of February,

  • Hi Golfingmad, I hope the operation went ahead with no problems. I think I replied to you before, my 80 year old husband had a total Gastrectomy in Jan, he’s doing fine, just come back from Tenerife so there is life after TG, he didn’t have chemo because of his age, he was out of hospital on the 7th day , hes doing more or less what he did before his op, he’s eating ok, smaller portions, I hope the same for you. Let us know how you get on and good luck with the recovery xx

    Sue Xx