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  • 21 subscribers

Back home after 7 dsys in hospital with a open wound and internal infection . Home with 2 diffrent antibiotics for next 28 days first day today feeling rough feeling sick pain in wound hope things get better soon ive dpoken to GI team its coman side effects  of these antibiotics 

District  nurse to dress wound everyday ho joy 


  • Oh you must feel that you’re not getting out of the ‘bit.!  Hopefully you the anti biotic will do their job! But they can make you feel sick, which is the last thing you want when you’re recovering from a gastrectomy.  
    A real setback for you, and I am sure you feel really fed up!  
    Hope you start to feel better soon!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Nic you’re having some rotten luck since your surgery. I hope this is the last set back. Take it easy and good luck xx

    Sue Xx
  • Hi Nicnac

    glad to hear you’re back home, rest up and let the antibiotics do their job! Sending you love and best wishes x.