Endoscopy stomach cancer

  • 10 replies
  • 18 subscribers

Hello everybody 

Just retired turning 66yrs old fit and no other health issues 

I have had real issues keeping food down and suffering with heartburn and stomach aches so to cut a long story short I have had  an endoscopy and told I have  cancer in my lower stomach .

I am now waiting for a CT scan . I am very frightened and feel guilty bringing this news to my family .

I am married with two children . One is 18 and starting University today and my son is 21 and lives at home and he has autism. My wife and I have decided not to tell the children till I have a diagnosis.

The hard part is now waiting to find out how this is going to turn out . I have lost a lot weight and I know I need to try and get the calories into my body to give myself a chance for what's to come .

I would be interested to know how you get calories into your body particularly if you can't keep normal food down . The doctor said use a blender and make high calorie smoothies with ice cream .

Anyway feeling overwhelmed and a bit sorry for myself so I need to improve my mental health and keep positive .

Will let you know my diagnosis when it finally arrives 

  • David

    I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis! It must be such a shock for you. You are now on a long road which many on this group have travelled! It’s not easy but you can get through this and live a normal life!

    I was diagnosed with stomach cancer five years ago and now eat and drink as before.  This is the hardest stage as you don’t know what you’re dealing with!

    You will now have a lot of tests including a laparoscopy.  This will determine your treatment plan.  I had chemo then a partial gastrectomy.   
    Do use this group there are lots of positive experiences that lovely people will share.  
    Good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Morning Jac thank you so kind to reply . I am ready for the challenge but my wife is distraught and I know once the shock has gone things will settle down . It's the waiting that causes me to loose sleep but your words bring a comfort .

    Thank you 

  • Hi, I can understand how you are feeling it wasn't so long ago I was in same position , it can feel like a long road yet you do along it , I was diagnosed Dec 22, I've had scans chemo and an op for partial stomach removal, .

    As for the food , it's not always easy, blending is good , soups , add tofu into soups its soft and easy to swallow, or I used to add blended mince just to add more protein ect, eat small amounts more regularly , if you haven't already ask dietitian for build up drinks they have calories and nutrients and easy to swallow.

    Hang in there, do let us know your dagnosis, it helps to talk about 

  • Sprinkle 

    Thanks for the reply .I think what makes it harder for me is that I am an impatient person and likes to be in total control of all things sadly .

    When it's totally out of my control I feel totally adrift and find it difficult to deal with simple things .I made the huge error of googling stomach cancer and scared the s... literally out of myself.

    Anyway appreciate the food tips as I've barely eaten anything in the last 3 days and need to buck my self up but it does not help when you have no appetite .

    Hope you continue to improve and get better thanks again for your support it means a lot 

  • No worries, I reached out here when I was diagnosed and found it helpful getting feedback ect, like you I was impatient, you will get there, there also fb stomach cancer groups which are also helpful with good tips ect, I find even yet I have to force myself to eat cuz you don't feel the hunger pangs the same way. Keeping the weight maintained is important, so get your big boy socks pulled up and give it a try ( eating) even if it's a few mouthfuls, better than nothing. I even add z little cream to my soups , yum lol.

    I know it's not easy, .. you have to try..!!!

  • Sprinkle appreciate the kick up the bum but don't worry I have a wife who will not let me slip .

    All the best to you 

  • Hi there David and sorry you find your self here, apparently MacDonalds smoothies have a lot of calories (200 in a small one), I tried to get my husband to have one but it wasn’t going to happen so gave that up. I now buy different flavoured protein powder, mix it with soup, jelly’s well anything that I can stick it in, a scoop shook up in milk he’ll have but once I try putting fruit in he won’t have it. Ask the dietitian for fortisips shakes 2 a day he was on when he came out of hospital but doesn’t have them now, they did help with weight although they don’t taste very nice. He had all his stomach out in Jan, eating ok-ish now but in smaller portions and more often. He’s 80 and has a couple more cancers but as of now he’s doing fine. Hope it goes ok for you X

    Sue Xx
  • Hi SueCC

    Appreciate your supporing comment .I do love a MacDonald smoothie.Will speak to a dietitian and get some protein in to stop the weight lose .

    Received a call this afternoon and will be having my CT scan next Tuesday so getting close to a full diagnosis.

    Fingers and toes crossed .Thanks again for the tip and support .All the best to you 

  • Hi,

    First and foremost, please don't feel guilty about sharing this news with your family. They love and care about you deeply, and keeping them informed about your health is essential for their support and understanding. It's commendable that you and your wife have decided to wait for a diagnosis before sharing the news with your children. This way, you can provide them with more information and guidance about the situation.

    Regarding your nutritional needs, your doctor's suggestion to use a blender and make high-calorie smoothies with ice cream is a good one. These can be a great way to get essential nutrients and calories into your body, especially if you're struggling to keep down solid foods. You can incorporate ingredients like protein powder, fruits, vegetables, yogurt, and even some healthy fats to boost the calorie content. Consult with a dietitian or nutritionist for personalized advice on creating smoothies that suit your dietary needs.

    Maintaining a positive outlook and mental health is crucial during this time. Consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor who can help you cope with the emotional challenges that often come with a cancer diagnosis. Surround yourself with a strong support system of family and friends who can provide emotional support, too.

  • Apply4u

    Thank you for your comments they are extremely helpful and have given me encouragement to move on .

    The food has been a problem and I will seek out a dietician to help me .The digest problem is I can not eat any solids without bringing it back up again .The blender will be a way of getting the nutrients back into my body as you suggested .

    The waiting for the diagnosis is a constant worry but I am beginning to take one day at a time and keeping off Google and any Facebook groups until I find out what I am facing. But I know I have a challenge ahead and will face it as strong as I can be . 

    Again thank you for the comment and more importantly the advice . I wish you well