E. coli infection post op (stomach removal)

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  • 19 subscribers

On Tuesday I’ve been admitted to the hospital to discover I have E. coli wound infection. My surgery was on the 31st of July and I’ve been discharged on the 12th of August. I’ve only been at home for 3 days because on the 15th I noticed a lot of pus coming out of my surgery. They’ve put me on antibiotics since Tuesday but there’s still lots of pus coming out and I’m slowly losing hope as I’ve had so many other complications post surgery and I feel exhausted and like it’s never going to get better. Has anyone had an E. coli infection before? How long did it take to treat and when will the pus/yellow liquid stop coming out …

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read that your back in hospital following an infection and I can understand how you feel.

    I haven't had this happen but I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list.

    I hope the infection clears up soon 

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