Palliative Chemo

  • 5 replies
  • 21 subscribers

Hi al

l, my husband has recently been told that his cancer is inoperable and has gone to the lymph nodes round the bile duct. Has anyone had this before? He only has 1 kidney too as 1 was removed 7yrs ago. We are awaiting an appointment from the oncology team to discuss his chemo options, I'm just wondering if anyone in a similar position has any experiences of chemo at this stage? 

He was fitted with a stent last week to drain the bile duct and that's working well. Tomorrow he gets a stent fitted in his stomach so that he can go back to drinking normally and easting a soft food diet. That was his feeding tubes get removed. 

We have been advised months, how many we don't know but I'll take as many as I can at this point. He's 56yrs old and I'm grasping at everything to find something to help prolong the timeline for him! 

Look forward to hearing your replies/outcomes. 

  • I’m so sorry to read this, I can’t imagine what you’re going through. I’ve no advice for you either as we’re very new to this cancer, it’s my husband who has it. I just wanted to send you a big hug. Keep posting as it may help and I’m sure someone will be along with some advice soon xx

    Sue Xx
  • I am so sorry to hear about your husband, I can’t imagine how devastating this must be.  There have been others in this group who have had a similar diagnosis but had treatment with a positive result.  Chemo may shrink the tumour and that may offer more options.  Once you speak to the oncologist, there will be a treatment plan.  If you’re not happy, you can get a second opinion.  There are options and trials so worth exploring, as knowledge gives you back some control at a time when you feel everything is spiralling out of control!

    Good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s diagnosis… I do hope the oncology team can offer you some comfort when you speak to them.., keep in touch. 
    Sending hugs 


  • I'm hoping for this, we meet oncology next week so we see what happens then. 

    Thank you for your reply!