CT scan

  • 6 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Hi, had to have a CT scan today, because I had a routine blood test the other month and my liver function results came back abnormal… I’ve had a blood test since and it’s stabilised… 

Anyway results were sent to my consultant… and he wanted me to have a scan… which I’m happy about, but I’m absolutely terrified now of my results. Fingers crossed they come back ok… 

  • Oh what an anxious time for you! Hopefully all will be fine…Fingers crossedFingers crossed

    It is so hard when you get scares that the cancer has returned!  I have been there so many times!  It’s good that you are being monitored so closely so if there is anything they can get a treatment plan in place. 
    Take care and hope all is Ok! X


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Thank you Blush for your reply… 


  • Try not to worry or overthink it Vespa.

    sometimes it feels like even though we are out the other side, we still have a bit of a sword of Damocles over our head, and I can empathise !

    For what it’s worth and to help ease your mind, our bodies are so different the other side of surgery, sometimes things do go a bit up and down.

    Ive had my CA19.9 cancer markers spike before … I mean 4 months post surgery in 2021 it spiked at 100+ and it’s meant to be below 37 !

    It stabilised at next check and went back to normal range and all scans since then have been fine.

    I just think our bodies are a bit more complex in nature now and so our standard levels are a bit more nuanced sometimes !

    Hope you’re all good.

  • Awwww thank you for your reply!! Yes our bodies are definitely complex…. So glad your results have been good for you, that’s fabulous to hear… I do feel like I’m sitting on a ticking time bomb, but only when I think about it… 
    I should get my results in the next week… 

    Thank you again… 


  • All the best with the results! Xx