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Can anyone share their experience of a full or part stomach removal operation . And the time scale for short term and long time recovery  time scales . I am expecting my operation mid July to end of July.  Trying to get mentally and physically  preparing for this . After my Chemo  my anxiety levals about operation as gone through roof 

Stay safe everyone 

  • Hi, my husband was 79 when he had a TG in Jan, he did fine, he had no pain as he had the epidural in, that was took out on the 5th day and only needed paracetamol for a few days after. He was up the next day and every day after. He had a feeding tube in and came home with it but it was never used and took out on his next hospital visit about  3 weeks after coming home. He came home on his 7th day after op. He was eating mushed up food for only a week of been home then was eating more or less normal. Since coming home for the first month he had good and bad days plus had to have a nap midday, now he’s absolutely ok.  It’s hard for him to put weight on but it goes on very slowly, the dietitian still keeps in touch. 
    I find it hard to believe that he doesn’t have CT scans or anything, just get in touch if you think something wrong, also a 3 monthly phone call! 
    He’s just doing radiotherapy for Lymphoma and still he’s ok.

    Good luck for your operation xx. I should have said he didn’t have chemo before or after x

    Sue Xx
  • Thank for your reply , what great news and I am glad to hear he's doing well after operation 

    Nic nac

  • Hi Nic Nac,

     I had a total gastrectomy in April and I have to say that the recovery was easier than expected. There are obviously adjustment periods as your body has to get used to it’s new plumbing but I would say that things get better week to week. I initially stuck to a sloppy diet for 6 weeks as advised before introducing new foods but I’m 11 weeks post op and enjoyed 4 slices of domino’s pizza last night for my tea Scream 

    I honestly found the operation easier than the chemotherapy. Just enjoy eating now to give yourself a good buffer as you’ll obviously lose weight throughout the operation. I was also given some breathing exercises to do which I think really helped me pull through.

    hope all goes well x

  • Thank you glad you on road to recovery 

    Stay Safe

    Nic nac