Numb hands and feet

  • 2 replies
  • 18 subscribers

Following my first chemotherapy of which I had 5 sessions and was Capox I am left with numb hands and feet and feel icy cold. It starts just below the knee on the shin no feeling feet are quite swollen, the back of legs are fine. On the hands it starts at the wrist and is only palm side. Hands are very red however my nails are stronger than usual and I can feel them but not the tips of fingers. Hands are also swollen. Has anyone else experienced this? Consultant said it can take a long while to go if ever! I am now on a new chemo Folfiri which seems so far after two sessions to be better for me. Just wondering if anybody has any tips regarding the hands and feet and anyone with good results regarding Folfiri thank you.

  • Hi Loony

    I had a different chemotherapy for you but did have the same peripheral neuropathy symptoms. My chemo dosage was changed each time due to this side effect. I was also told it could take a while to go or it could be permanent.

    Mine was hands, tingling, numbness and some pain. Finger tips first and then to wrists where it has stopped. Sometimes I get trembling. Sometimes they sort of spasm. Changing the dosage of chemo I believe helped stop it getting worse. My feet were similar to my hands, starting at my toes, lots of numbness and tingling. Some pain. Sometimes it felt like my feet had gone to sleep and a couple of times when I stood up I would stumble. Its now all below the knee and hasnt got any worse.

    I didn't particularly notice any swelling or redness but this may be drug specific. I did notice damage to my nails- fragile, split easy, ridges. These recovered within 6 months. 

    For my hands I found keeping them warm helped, wearing gloves, massaging any hand cream/moisturiser into them. it was the massaging the cream rather than the actual cream that helped. I also found keeping them moving and doing fiddly things like puzzles helped. The days I didn't do much, I found them stiffer and more painful.

    For my feet again it was massaging them and keeping them warm. Woolly socks. Softer shoes like those canvas type trainers were better than stiff leather shoes. I needed to feel the ground I was walking on better. I tried to go for a walk each day and they were definitely worse on days where I didn't go out. 

    I was offered some pain relief recently as normal paracetamol/ibuprofen does not work. I haven't taken any yet as it is not bad enough to. 

    The other thing is to be mindful of having any accidents. Always wear shoes outside for example as I could stand on something sharp, potentially cut myself and not realise straight away. I also got a bath mat and a handle thing for getting in and out of the bath. I did slip once as my foot went numb. Also be careful with water temperature, I would use my elbow to test bath water before getting in. Also cut myself on a knife washing up and didn't feel it. I still find it hard to open some jars, milk cartons etc. 

    I hope this helps a bit



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  • Hi Jane, yes exactly what I’m feeling. Experienced a sharp knife when washing up also glasses slip out of hands.  I have been offered pain killer by consultant but they also have side effects so decided to put up with difficulties as enough side effects from chemo. Let’s hope that both of us are lucky and eventually get a full recovery. I guess we just have to say as we do with chemo it is what it is. Keep well and thanks for sharing your experience Loony x