My Journey so far

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

hello to you all a quick intro having many problems with stomach acid and more recently coughing up blood i was diagnosed with stage 2 stomach cancer although scans confirmed no major spread to other places i had the Laparoscopy 3 days ago and has shown as they called fragments have spread onto the liver this has all got on top of me as now not sure what this means ?  my consultant did originally  mention  partial removel of the stomuch and has now taken that off the table  they want to shave away the part of effected  liver first just now waiting is the stomach surgey never going to happen or is this something they will change  in time maybe after the liver procedure and chemo? any help would be most helpful if this sounds familiar to anyone elses experiance

many thanks

  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis and the uncertainty you are facing.  I have heard of people having surgery to remove part of the liver as it can regenerate.  I suspect the MultiDisciplinary  Team will then decide the treatment pathway.  The most common pathway is Chemo then surgery followed by more chemo.

    It’s hard to come to terms with a cancer diagnosis and in my experience the uncertainty of not knowing the treatment pathway is hard.  Hopefully that will become clearer.  You can ask the surgeon or the specialist nurse what the plan is!  Sometimes they don’t know until they get all the information or they have taken the next step!

    Do use this group as there’s lots of really positive stories!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi

    Thank you so much for your reply as odd as it sounds i feel better knowing im not the only one to be having liver removed as part of my treatment im just hoping they will still think about stomch surgury for me as i believe its the best way to treat this situation but at the moment thats another question im un sure of