First Chemo

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Does Chemo get worse with each  circle,  i am Flot x4

  • Hello Nicnac12

    I am not sure if it depends on the type of chemo. I had carboplatin/paclitaxol.

    My first cycle was the worst but my dose of one of the drugs was reduced for the next 3 cycles and because I knew what to expect, my oncologist gave me meds to take that helped improve some of the side effects. 

    One thing I found that did get worse for me was the tiredness- that definitely accumulated for me and I was shattered by my last cycle. My bloods did decline with each cycle, particularly haemoglobin (which affects tiredness) and magnesium for which I was prescribed supplements. I did have a  blood transfusion to help. Apart from the tiredness I felt mentally it did improve each time I was able to tick a cycle off and also because before my first cycle it was the fear of the unknown. Between the 3rd and 4th cycles I did pick up an infection so I think that also contributed to it all.

    My advice is to write down how you are feeling on each day, which meds you have taken and any side effects you are experiencing, then when you have your review with your oncologist before the next cycle they can look into giving you meds/support to help. For example from my second cycle the oncologist gave me a tapering dose of steroids and that made a big difference.

    Hope this helps



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  • Thank you for your information great help  and comfort 

    Nic nac