Day 2 Chem

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Well up at 5 40 am first night with pump under my pillow and i must better nights sleep . Bit paranoid  touching fridge cold objects lined  up all my pill to take this morning but feeling better that i thought I'll be 

Take care every one Heart️ 

  • Thanks for sharing this Nicnac. I’ll be where you are in a couple wks so I’m intently watching and reading. You did the first one which is amazing. I don’t have first hand experience yet but something I have been told and read consistently is to ensure you’re having at least 2 litres of water each day? I plan on just getting stocked up on the big bottles and putting one out each day to keep me on track. 
    wishing you all the very best

    Claire  xx

  • Claire 

    Dont for get to put bottles in bathroom as well for clean teeth  i felt it bit over whelmed on my first session but staff are grest and busy 

    Nic nac