Inoperable stomach GIST

  • 1 reply
  • 21 subscribers

Hello,  My Stomach Gist , which I first new about in January 2023,  is inoperable, stage $ and in nearby Nodes. . Does not react to Chemo/Radio so I have been fortunate to be given a Target drug  Imatinib.

I have just finished my first Month on the Target drug and will no in 2 Months if it has made a difference to the Tumour - shrinking it. .  Small side effects which now means taking Potassium Tablets - Has anyone else had this?   Thank you all for wonderful support through this site.

  • Hi, I haven’t had target drugs, I only had chemo and a full gastrectomy. But just to say that’s it’s great to hear it’s shrinking for you. I had to take the potassium tablets, which I found not nice. 
    Take care 
