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  • 24 subscribers

I'm never sure of the correct place to post so forgive me if it's in the wrong section, Im fairly new but I've posted a few questions so I'm just here with an UPDATE..

I am definitely to start chemo tomorrow , I will be in overnight for 2 nights, seems everyone is diff, I had my oncology app today , sure enough I've to get chemo - surgery + more chem I guess it's standard practice .I am so nervous for tomorrow, I just want it all over and done with ..

So it's fluourical(5fu

Leucovorin , OXALIPLATIN, docetaxel..

 Assuming this is the norm?

Wish me luck fellow warriors xx

  • Hi Sprinkly,

    It does appear to be the norm, i  had my first session of FLOT a week ago didn't stay in overnight though I went home with a pump that slow released the 5fu over 24 hours, not sure if its a health / regional or bed availability reason for staying in overnight.

    I too was worried about the chemo more than the pending opperation but please don't worry actually having the Chemo administered was painless, I have had various side effects over the week but nothing I couldn't cope with, also ring the number they give you if you worry about any side effects.

    Good luck, Mick

  • Good luck tomorrow.  You will be apprehensive about the first dose because you don’t know what to expect.  It might be easier being an in-patient as the nurses will be on hand to answer any questions.   Take some things to keep you occupied- download a couple of programmes or podcasts or some music.  It can be a long day!

    This time next week you’ll be through the first one!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • I'm not sure either about the overnight thing, I'm 63 so not sure if it's age related, ( where do you come from)?

    I discovered today that I can call that number any time of day and night, that itself was reassuring. What were your side effects?

    Thanx for reply + good luck with rest of your chemo .

  • I've got it into my head that it might be easier in a way to being an in-patient because I'm a worrier, anxious if something goes wrong ect.

    Good tips there , thank you.

    Thanx for reply x

  • I had chemo as a day patient and I was lucky that my sister, who is a nurse came with me.   It was four years ago and so pre Covid.  I think it helped to have someone there so being an in patient may be easier especially the first time. 
    You will be fine I am sure.  It’s not easy but it passes and the side effects are manageable with meds.  
    FLOT does have neuropathy as a side effect so touching cold things is very tingly!  Wearing gloves and a scarf when you go out helps, so it might be worth taking them with you! Watch too drinking anything too cold, warm drinks were easier for the first day or so. I drank herbal tea. It passes and I found it only lasted a couple of days.  
    Let us know how you get on! You will soon be through the first one and it does get easier once treatment starts! 


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • I'm from Nottingham and 61, ive had a sore throat for a few days making it hard to swallow, nausea, diarrhoea and difficulty sleeping, these have all been manageable the worst for me is nothing tastes nice anymore not even anything i drink. But i do try and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, and although my appetite is off i do eat a little.

  • I'm worried about the nausea as that makes you not want to eat. I will try force myself to eat. What stage are you at in your treatment Narrowlight?

  • Good advice about the hot drinks I've popped some camomile teabags in bag along with a flask so that I can sip when needed while in hospital. thank you x

  • I found eating little and often helped with the nausea.  Though it was a struggle to eat when you feel sick.  I ate light foods- Rich Tea biscuits, toast, chicken noodle soup.. I hadn’t eaten that since I was a child! 
    It only lasted for a few days then it passed and I began recovering!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi Sprinkly,

    I am 9 days after my first of four chemo sessions, apart from a bit of anxiety and no appetite I feel a lot better today, my second session is Mon 30th Jan, although side effects may not be the same so I will let you know how that goes.

    Good luck with today i'm sure all will be ok.