
  • 7 replies
  • 21 subscribers

Good afternoon, I just had a surgery, a partial gastrectomy and I'm finding it difficult to eat small portions more often, I tend to get full up quickly meals. Did anybody experience this? Do you have any suggestions?

  • Hi

    Eating is a challenge after a partial gastrectomy.  I wrote a Blog which you might find helpful- you can read it by clicking on my name.   I found high protein, high calorie foods was important as I lost weight before the op.  It does get easier as your new ‘baby’ tummy gets bigger.

    I didn’t drink and eat at the same time as fluids fill you up!  I ate foods like coconut porridge with yoghurt for breakfast, avocado and poached egg , fish pie, cottage pie …. I used my Fitbit to count calories and found I gradually built it up.

    I would be happy to answer any questions you have! Do post or DM.

    Good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Good afternoon,

    What is a Fitbit?

    I was told by the dietician to have pureed food the first 2 weeks after surgery then from week 3 to week 6 anything I can mash with a fork thereafter, snacks, sandwiches, nuts...Is this about right?

  • Hi

    Yes it’s soft foods for the first six weeks so I ate things like porridge, avocado and eggs , fish pie, baked potato…

    A Fitbit measures your exercise - you wear it on your wrist.  There’s an App on your phone and you can enter the food you eat.  I used it to count the calories to make sure I was having enough as I needed to put on weight!  It helped me as I couldn’t eat large portions so I needed to pack protein and calories into what I did eat..The opposite of trying to lose weight.!  There will be an App to measure calories so you could do it that way..

    After 6 weeks I gradually started to eat more normally!

    It does get easier!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Good afternoon,

    What is the name of the App?

  • Hi

    There are lots of Apps that count calories, they are for you to lose weight but you can use it to count the calories you eat.  I found it useful because I worked out how many I was having in a day - as I was eating such small amounts.   Hope that helps!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Good morning,

    Which one did you use?

  • Hi

    I had a Fitbit - it’s a band that you wear on your wrist and it links to an App.



    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!