Biopsy for suspected sarcoma

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  • 18 subscribers


Just looking for someone to talk to really. I've posted about this before a few months ago and unfortunately I'm still on the ride no one wants to ride.

I found a lump in my arm a few months ago. Was fast tracked for a ultrasound which showed a mass in my muscle. They thought it was a lipoma but because it was so deep suggested I be referred for further testing. I went on to have an MRI which showed a 2cm lesion. They think it's made of fat. It's well defined, small and has little blood flow. The person doing my ultrasound said it had no vascular flow but then the doctor said it had little so I'm not sure which is correct. After the mri they recommended that I wait 3 months and have a repeat MRI. I was happy to do this as at the appointment with the doctor they were very confident that it was just a fat lump.

Fast forward 3 months, I have my repeat MRI. It was a strange one. It was a lot longer than last time and I had to change position. I was booked in for a telephone call to receive the results at the last doctor's appointment. I got the call for the results and unfortunately they didn't sound as upbeat as last time. He said that it had grown and changed shape. It's now 2.9cm. He said the lump still looked the same it's just bigger. They still think it looks like fat but can't say for sure what it is. I asked if there is still a possibility of it being sarcoma and he said that is one of may things it could be.

I've now been told I need to have a biopsy to find out for sure what it is. I know that sarcoma is just in the list of things it could be but Im really struggling. I have bad anxiety anyway and this has sent me into a really dark place. I know that I can't be diagnosed on here but has anyone had any similar experiences? Is that a lot of growth in 3 months? Do benign growths grow too?

Just someone to talk to would be lovely. All my family just keep saying to be positive but it's very difficult. I have small children too so I'm terrified of leaving them. This is so hard. 

  • Hi   

    Sarcoma is really quite rare and lumps are very common so hopefully this is just a scare but it is important to get it checked out and it seems you are on a good path there.

    Benign lumps do grow and of course that is why your oncology team are still not sure. However if for a minute we assume it was a sarcoma you have come to a good place. You would likely be referred to one of the specialist sarcoma centers and hopefully they will be able to deal with it with surgery.

    My wife's sarcoma started out in her womb, she has had two rounds of chemotherapy and currently her cancer is stable and has been that way for over 10 years now. I hope that sort of positive news is helpful because you are right it is hard but the simple "be positive" message is not easy.



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