Hello From the Midwest USA

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  • 177 subscribers

My husband has very recently been diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer after years of prostate-related problems. There’s a lot that we don’t know yet—waiting for a PET scan to be scheduled, an appointment to begin hormone blocking therapy on Tuesday, 2/4, and an initial oncology visit in 2/7. 

A Gleason score has not been formulated yet but his urologist used the term “aggressive” cancer when he called with the biopsy results and the scheduling nurse used the term “advanced prostate cancer” in a scheduling phone call. 

The diagnosis wasn’t a surprise but since he had a TURP done just 2 years ago (January ‘23) with all cell tissue clear of cancer, the fact that cancer is present and “aggressive” is a shock. (in addition to his PSA levels being normal in November of ‘23 and now have climbed to 10)

I don’t have questions for the group at this point but am certain I will as we learn more specifics. 

I am so very thankful that this site/support is open to non-UK residents as I’ve not found anything close to the support it appears to provide in American websites. 

Thank you for the add. I look forward to leaning on this group more in the future. 


  • Hi  ,

    a very warm welcome . This group of people have been absolutely amazing supporting my husband and I through a really difficult time since March last year . Just ask any question and someone will get back to you k to you with an answer or signpost you to a webpage .

    i honestly think the unknown is the hardest part of waiting on all the results and then come up with a treatment plan . Your mind works on overdrive all the time and no doubt little sleep .

    i hope you get your answers when you see your medical team this month .  Make a list of questions for your meetings and make sure they answer even a trivial question as it will enable you both on your PC journey . 

     Best Wishes to you both & keep us informed .


    Liz & OH xxx 

  • Hello Kit  and welcome from a wife who lives in Greece. Like you, there is nothing like this site where we live but you will find the help and support of others to be invaluable - the only difference is that we do not have the access to some of the resources. There is a video channel which offers a lot of information tailored for the American market which is hosted by Dr Mark Scholz so that is one site I would recommend googling but apart from that be aware that a lot of the information on line can be out of date. I always point newly diagnosed people to a free book which you can download giving a starter on diagnosis and treatment.


    My husband also has advanced prostate cancer which is aggressive, diagnosed in July 2020, but treatable. I won't deny it is a rollercoaster but there are many tools in the toolbox which allows our men to still have a good quality of life.

    The hormone therapy is the first step which will remove the cancers food no matter where it is in the body and gives the experts time to come up with a plan tailored for your husband. Once you have more information then we can help with more specifics but your husband can help himself by getting as fit as possible and to add weight training or resistance training into his routine as this will help him to mitigate some of the side effects from the hormone therapy. Diet can also help by reducing red meat, full fat dairy and processed foods from the diet and incorporating plenty of fruit, veg, fish and protein. 

    I am sure you will start thinking of question so ask away and we will try and help.

  • Thank you for reaching out! Good or bad, we should have much more info by this time next week. I’ll post updates and questions as they arise. 

  • Thank you for reaching out and for providing the book link. It’s just what we need at this point. I will also checkout Dr. Scholz video channel.  Good or bad, we should have much more info by this time next week. I’ll post updates and questions as they arise. 

  • Hello  

    A warm welcome to the Macmillan Online Prostate Cancer too from me, although I am so sorry to find you here. I am Brian one of the Community Champions here on the Community.

    You are more than welcome here indeed we welcome folk from anywhere in the world - I think the two posts above say everything better than I can but remember  - ask anything you want - no question is too trivial.

    I have also had a TURP operation - It upgraded me from a Gleason 7 to a Gleason 9 so checking the histology is good. (you can read my full journey by clicking on my name or avatar).

    As an aside Tuesday is World Cancer Day and here's a link for you:


    Best wishes - Brian.

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