Merry Christmas

  • 19 replies
  • 181 subscribers

Hello Everyone

A very Christmas to all yu fighters and all the positivity you yield.
To all the Guy, Wives, partners and family and friends. To one and all have a wonderful day, this is one day of the year you can do as you please s enjoy.

Say Safe


  • Happy Christmas to you too.  Hope it's going ok for you and your family.

    We're just having a a quiet one together.  All the best, Steve and Tracey 

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Steve nothing wrong with that, I’m a big kid at this time of year, besides My wife is treating it like my last one bless her, not that I will stop fighting.

  • Merry Christmas to you too and to everyone on here and beyond.

    No one is on their own through this or at any other time, and at times, it may be a struggle and times, it may be an effort, but at this time, I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a better and healthier 2025 


  • Father Christmas brought me a present early and not the one I wanted, Gleason 8 frightened and anxious 12weeks ago anyone help have high blood pressure and anxiety attacks 

  • Hi Bric

    Do u have any more stats like PSA and staging or what does the MRI say?

    Best wishes 


  • Hi Bric.  And happy new year. 
    I had a similar experience. I had my confirmed diagnosis - Gleason 9, advanced and very aggressive, just a couple of days before last Christmas Eve. So, last Christmas wasn’t great, the whole family were worried sick. I had to have several scans during the first couple of weeks of January to check if it had spread and, luckily, despite the tumour having burst out of the prostate, it miraculously hadn’t spread. I was put on hormones immediately and have completed my radiotherapy.   I will be on hormones for at least another 18 months but, my treatment and prognosis is for a ‘curative pathway’. So, keep a positive outlook because there are plenty of people who are living a normal life now. 
    All the best 


  • Was told croup 4 spa 40 now down to 3.5 after prostrap injections and enzulimide I’m 68 high blood pressure keep having anxiety attacks bad told to stop taking enzulimide for 1week because of blood pressure but blood pressure still high they said it is stress through lack of sleep I’m all over the place been to hospital 3 times and they said everything was okay just panic attack 

  • Hi Axel

    Knowing a fair bit about incurable PC, after nearly nine years of many many scans, plus treatments, you’ve got plenty in your favour, surprised chemo has not been offered, as usually after radiotherapy chemo is the next step, but I’m no doctor.

    Hormome injections I’ve had since I was diagnosed. Each one of us is different, what was your PSA score having Gleason nine. Miy Gleason was 9/10 with a PSA of 893, but positively and a strong will, plus my ever loving wife who’s my carer and puts up with me at times, 

    If you keep positive through thick and thin, you to can last longer than me.

    Stay Safe


  • Hi bric

    Have you ever tried acupuncture, it can be very relaxing and help stress, plus the doctor can help with the sleeping, there’s plenty of assorted medication that could suit your condition.

    Stay Safe
