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Good morning all. My name is Kernowbilly and I live and work in Germany.  I have recently been diagnosed and will have my prostatectomy in January. It feels that from my initial wellness check to the diagnosis, biopsy, and date of operation has been rather frenetic. Giving me little time to process anything. Thankfully my partner is fantastic with her support and helps me rationalise and sorts facts from thoughts. I hope you all have as good as a Christmas as you possibly can.

  • Hi, welcome and thanks for your wishes for Christmas. I also went down the operation route. After a challenging post-op year I am now living a normal life again and am happy with my lot.  If I may make one suggestion it would be to arrange a holiday for 3 months after the operation as it will give you something of normal life to look forward to.  Good luck to you and your partner.

  • Good morning and welcome  . Can I take it from your name that, like my husband, you originate from Cornwall? We live in Greece and the forum has many members from around the world. We first came to the site trying to get information about treatment options and experiences from others who have been there, done that and worn the T shirt. Like you, the time from diagnosis to initial treatment (RT/HT) was very quick which doesn't give you much time to adjust but it does help reduce the anxiety which a lot of UK people have whilst waiting for scans and biopsy tests and results. The one thing everyone told me was how important exercise is for aiding recovery and that includes your penile health and pelvic floor exercises. We are open to all questions so ask away if you want information. As a starter you might like to read the Prostatectomy journey from  . There is also a very good book you can download for free which might add to your research.


    This is very much a couples disease so make sure your partner is coping ok. 

    I am sure more people will be along soon but try and relax and have a good Christmas and New Year to you both.

  • Welcome   to our (not so) little club. From feeling fine to PCa diagnosis is a massive amount to process but it sounds like your team are on the case.  Please ask any questions during your journey, the folk on here are brilliant and we have a wide range of experience to help you in almost every situation. It helps to give as much info about your diagnosis/treatment and many of us use our profile to do that.  Just click on anyone’s name to get their info if they have completed it.  Have a lovely Christmas and you will soon be on the road to recovery. Best wishes, David

  • Hi Huffies, thank you for the message, sorry for the delay but work has been manic due to the upcoming festivities.  I'm glad you are now living a normal life again.  I have a holiday planned for March, it's our bi-annual visit to Bavaria, so that is something to look forward to.  Take care, and good luck to you too.

  • Good morning Alwayshope, thank you for your reply.  Yes, I am from Cornwall, my parents still live there but I moved away when I was 17.  I am trying to maintain some sort of fitness but it is difficult as I suffer from chronic joint pain; I am trying to get the pelvic floor muscle exercises in at least twice a day though, so hopefully that will help post-op.  I have downloaded the book, thank you very much for the link.  My partner and I have an agreement that if either one of us is having a 'wobble' we must talk about it.  I wish you and your husband all the best.  Take care.

  • Hi David, I hope you are well.  Thank you very much for your reply, it is always nice to know that one is not alone; although, I wish that no-one needed the support due to the eradication of cancer!  Once I have translated my diagnosis and treatment I will endeavour to add it to my profile.  Take care. 

  • Good Morning Billy ( 

    A belated warm welcome to the group from me too. I have been following this thread and didn't reply as you had some great reply from some of my friends, however I thought I would add as you live and work in Germany and:

      I have a holiday planned for March, it's our bi-annual visit to Bavaria,

    Just to remember to check your travel insurance. We do have a travel insurance forum - link here;-

    Travel insurance forum for cancer patients 

    and you may be able to get some advice there.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Good morning  . My husband also suffers from chronic joint pain and many years ago he was advised by his physiotherapist to take glucosamine sulphate which he still takes now with the agreement of his doctors so perhaps this is something you could ask your medical team about. All the best for the festive season and come back if you have any questions.

  •   Many thanks, I had good news about my treatment yesterday (we grab onto anything positive on here).   You are certainly not alone and remember any questions and the fantastic group who post on here will help you out. Best wishes and have a great Christmas.  David

  • Hi Brian, thank you for the advice.  I am, currently, covered by my German health insurance to travel within Europe.  Best wishes for 2025.