Seeking Your Experience AFTER Radiotherapy...

  • 9 replies
  • 169 subscribers

I must confess, I was incredibly relieved (after travelling daily to Hospital appointments for Radiotherapy sessions) - when they finally ended! Not a single appointment attended was "on time" - and on average, I spent between 3 - 6 hours round trip from leaving my house and returning. I was absolutely exhausted after the final session after weeks of uncertainty and Radiotherapy!

I am still undergoing Hormone Therapy (and will need to for a few years to come, apparently!) - but I am wondering if the symptoms I am experiencing are "unusual" or if others have experienced/encountered similar things after Radiotherapy?

(A) An increased urgency and sensation to go and have a pee;

(B) An increase in Diarrhoea;

(C) Stiffening and increased pain in shoulder, neck and knee joints;

(D) Inflation of stomach/belly and chest area, despite eating very little; 

(E) Soreness and pain in nipple area of the chest;

(F) Increase in Episcleritis, soreness and reddening of the eyes (for which I am taking steroid eyedrops from my local Eye Hosptial).

I am hoping there is nothing untoward occurring in my biology. I am simply grateful to be alive and grateful I am not a Horse - as I would have been "put down" by now! I am wondering if there are any other "side effects" others have experienced after Radiotherapy, so I can "keep an eye out" for them...

Many thanks in advance for your time and feedback!

  • Well done for getting through the radiotherapy and now for a well earned rest.

    A and B are probably side effects from the radiotherapy and should settle down after a couple of weeks. Continue with the pelvic floor exercises. For the diarrhoea hubby was advised to take imodium if it became a problem. Your doctor should be able to prescribe something to calm the bladder but make sure that you drink plenty of water as this can help.

    C, D, E and F are more likely to be side effects from the hormone therapy. There are tablets which can help specifically with the nipple pain. It is important to have regular eye checks as the HT can cause dry eye along with other eye issues. Putting weight on round the middle is common for men on HT so diet and exercise. Joint pain and stiffness, then again exercise and over the counter pain killers. Some of the aches and the nipple soreness usually settle down as the body gets used to the drop in Testosterone. Don't forget that none of us are medically trained so it is always best to get things checked out by the professionals.

  • Good Morning  

    Well done for completing your RT - you will find life very strange now as appointments and hospital visits are much less frequent.

    A & B - Yes I had both - mine cleared up during radiotherapy - but they are two normal reactions.

    C - F - I agree with  are all connected to the Hormone therapy - if you are worried about any of them contact your team or ring 111 for advice.

    I am like you 

    I am simply grateful to be alive

    and would go through the entire journey again if I had to - it's a small sacrifice to pay.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Thank you, Brian, for your reassuring words of encouragement - it means I am not "weird" and am experiencing "normal" after effects. 

  • Hi

    Fatigue for me was the worst part of my journey. RT was doddle, so long as I followed the recommended diet during and for a couple of weeks after RT finished. 

    However, the fatigue caused by HT seems to go on forever! I was on HT for 2 years, so fatigued for 2 years. BUT the drugs take a long time to get out of the system. Coupled with the HT/RT pushing me into type2 diabetes and also iron deficiency- again caused by the HT/RT Q- meant I was fatigued for at least a year post HT.

    So fatigue is the next thing on this journey for you !

    Finally, they should have put you on Calcium + Vitamin D tablets, to offset the bone weakening caused by the HT.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hi Stuart, Yes - I have been on the Calcium + Vitamin D tablets for several months now. I miss having my athletic body which appears to be swapped - against my will - for a "Michelin Man" body instead! 

    Thanks for your feedback!

  • Hi

    Thats good news re Calcium tablets - my GP missed the request from the hospital for 2 years,  until I raised it with them, after picking it up from a post here. In the GPs defence, the letter was poorly drafted- I missed it first time and I knew it was there!

    I'm with you about becoming Michelin Man - I've never been overweight in my life and suddenly I am!

    Good luck in your journey!



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hi ! 

    I think all the wonderful people who have written in your thread have summirized very well side effects of hormone therapy and radiation.

    Most side effects of radiation is short term and goes away. Hormone therapy and side effects is a whole other game. Normally it’s fatigue, hot flushes, low libido and etc. Most side effects from hormone therapy can be mitigated with lots of working out; cardio, strength training, well actually everything is of help. The diet is also extremely important.

    There is also one other important area to rehab and it comes with erectile function. When on HT a very big group stuffers from loss of libido and that may mean that it effects the erectile function. Also with radiation ED can develop over time so with penile rehab, always think of ’ use it or loose it’

    I think that, when a person is to have prostatectomy the discussions regarding penile rehab is ’standard’ but I don’t think it’s that standard with penile rehab after radiation and when on hormone therapy. But, it’s extremelily important to think of it because if not  you can suffer different degress of erectile dysfunction both short term and long term So penile rehab with:

    PDE5 Inhibitors (Tadalafil (daily), Sildenafil and etc) and doing ’workout’ with a penile pump; e.g. ’Use it or loose it’

    But lots of good advices from the people in this community as usual and good luck to you as well fighting the cancer beast Slight smile

    Best wishes - Ulf

  • Many Thanks, Ulf, for your kind words and flagging up potential "alarm bells". Your help is much appreciated. 

  • Hi !

    As having been on the treatment pathway for some time I personally feel that healthcare don’t talk enough of ’problems’ down the road after RT and hormone therapy; the possibility of ED and what you can do to perhaps minimize any problems down the road.

    So anything I can bring up that might help on this road Slight smile

    Best wishes - Ulf