Like in a washing machine

  • 8 replies
  • 167 subscribers

Thoughts all over the place , and lost for words. To many things going round in my head from one dismal thought to another. From diagnosis to treatment from too many problems that come on top not just me but partner and family all at low edge. At last getting it out a bit.

  • Good Morning  

    A warm welcome to the Macmillan Online Prostate Community, although I am so sorry to find you here.

    So I am Brian, I hang around on this Community - I have Prostate Cancer and have been on this journey for 33 months so you are talking to someone who knows the score - I am also a formal Macmillan Volunteer so I should be able to offer you some help and reassurance.

    On this cancer journey we all suffer, the patient, the family and you are not alone - and we aren't judgemental here - it's an anonymous peer to peer forum so say it how it is and we will try and help.

    Can you please expand on your original post - some details about your journey - diagnosis, treatment etc and the problems you are having - be it medical, family, financial or just personal - we are happy to help - no pressure - no guilt and no blame.

    Take your time and now you have had the courage to open a conversation we are here for you..............

    I look forward to hearing more from you.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thanks for the words, too much going on although people around me dieing ang being diagnosed with other not positive outcomes makes it hard to explain. Just felt it an out by putting it out there.

  • Hi  , the first step is the hardest.  Please tell us a little more and I know the amazing folks on here will be able to help. Best wishes, David

  • Good Morning  

    I can appreciate you have much going on and that dealing with any cancer isn't pleasant and sometimes the outcome of a diagnosis isn't what we want to hear.

    I also appreciate times are hard and you have things going on - but you have made the first step - you have put your thoughts into writing - they are out here - if you expand on them we will be able to help.

    On this forum - we have all "been there - done that" - it's not nice having cancer and we are one big family - our bond is cancer so we are happy to help.

    Over to you........................go on what are the problems?

    Best wishes - Brian

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi wasted

    welcome to you, I, like most of us on here never thought we’d ever have to use this forum, but now that you’ve broken the ice, you’ll find us a formidable force of support, knowledge & care, although everyone on here is anonymous, you won’t feel alone in this journey. I never thought I’d use this service when I found out I had cancer but I did and I NEVER thought for one second that I’d be here supporting people where I can, but here I am, I’m not sure why I’ve not looked that deep

    Having prostate cancer these days is not a death sentence, most of us will either have it under control or removed, there are numerous routes to take and sometimes you get to choose  your own route. 

    All I can say for now is, keep within the borders of the Macmillan website and this forum alongside the prostate UK website and stay away from Dr Google, that route will take anyone down a dark rabbit hole.

    Try to become positive about this, that mindset brings peace and clarity, but keep in touch on here anytime you feel the need or have a question.

    Best wishes & good luck


  • Good morning Wasted,

    totally understand as my husband was diagnosed in March and we have had a pretty s… time waiting . We finally saw an oncologist in July and then again yesterday so we really get it’s hard. BUT this group of people kept me sane and so supportive . Please let us all know as even if we can’t give you what you want   we are great at replying with ongoing support .

    best wishes to you and your family 

    Liz & OH 


  • The cancer was the easiest to deal with. My demise is easy but what I leave behind lsnt.

    Enough said I will deal with it.

  • Hello  

    Just to say that we, as a community, are here if you need to talk, vent or want help with any prostate cancer issues. Millibob (Brian) is off on his holidays today so I have come on to say hello.

    All the best in what sounds to be a difficult time for you at the moment.