Prostrate Cancer diagnosis

  • 17 replies
  • 162 subscribers

Hi Everyone 

I have just been diagnosed with PC, gleeson score 3+4, T2, M0 and N0.

Spoke to consultant and opted for prostatectomy. I’m only 53 and have 2 young children, and am pretty scared to be honest. 

  • Hi Paul,

    I am so sorry to hear about your diagnostic. The good news is that it seems your PC is contained and did not spread outside the prostate according to the info you gave. I know you will find it hard to believe but it is good news because it is curable which is wonderful!

    I do not know much about prostatectomy because my husband PC is spread outside and therefore surgery was not an option. 

    In the next few hours you will get many replies from the good people on this form that had surgery and sharing there experiences.  You will learn here  that many people  went through surgery and have totally normal full and active life after that.

    Please feel free to ask any questions. This community here is like a family. We all going through similar problems and motions and you will find nonjudgmental and unlimited support here. You will also find a lot of knowledge and kindness.

    We are fighting this bas***d together.

    Lots of love


  • the word cancer is scary no doubt 

    but u've caught it early no spread and only gleason 3 which is the least aggressive 

    u will be fine , be positive you got this 

  • Thank you for responding Dafna. I found your response comforting. I hope your husband is doing well. I realise that it’s been spotted early and there’s things that can be done.

    Support and hope to all others who are suffering from cancer of any type. 

  • Thank you Anubis. 

  • Do you have a bit more details of the diagnosis, what were the biopsy results, how many samples, how many with cancer etc?

    This will help people 

  • Hi Juddy

    12 cores taken, 2 cores positive right side,  1 core positive left side, grade group 2

  • Ok did they give you the percentage of grade 4 in the samples?

  • The reason I am asking is that I am also Gleason 3/4 and have opted for AS which 8 have been on now for 2 years

  • Hi Paul70 and a warm welcome to the forum, as the guys have said your stats point to your treatment being done to cure you and being relatively young is a big plus as well, Being scared is pretty normal but it will ease and eventually pass. Great to hear you have 2 little ones, family is so important at this time, best wishes.


  • Also have you spoken to someone about brachytherapy, it is usual for a surgeon to suggest a radical prostatectomy but you do have other options and I would explore and understand them before making your excision explore them all before you decide, your stats are quite low so you have time to research and make an informed decision