Prostrate Cancer diagnosis

  • 17 replies
  • 163 subscribers

Hi Everyone 

I have just been diagnosed with PC, gleeson score 3+4, T2, M0 and N0.

Spoke to consultant and opted for prostatectomy. I’m only 53 and have 2 young children, and am pretty scared to be honest. 

  • Hi Juddy

    No, they have not stated % of grade 4 in the samples. 

  • I would ask for that info, I for sample you are 90% G3 it might affect your decision, get as much info as you can and take your time making your choice, you have time

  • Thanks Juddy, I will look at brachytherapy and discuss options when I see the consultant in the next week or so. 

  • Hi  .

    A warm welcome to the family. You have been given some good advice so far and are in a similar situation to many on here at the moment who are trying to make a decision on what steps to take next. With your statistics you have many options and the way to make a decision which is right for you is to ask as many questions as possible. We have people on the forum who have recently had different treatments and have detailed their journeys which might help you with your decision making e.g  has had Brachytherapy boost.  husband has just had robotic prostatectomy. If you click on their name it will link you to their journeys so far. To help you understand what is available I have attached an information sheet and hope this will open up the treatment options for you but please come back with any questions.

  • Hi Paul

    I joined this forum recently after my husband was diagnosed with similar stats to you. He is 60, I’m 54.  I did a lot of research on what the Gleason scores and T numbers mean.  OH opted for prostatectomy using Da Vinci robot. We live in Spain and this treatment wasn’t available under insurance so we had to pay privately. I don’t know if Da Vinci is available via NHS but it’s worth investigating.  My OH is less than 2 weeks post op and doing really well. Hes got a post op appointment with the surgeon on 3 June.  I’ve written his journey so far on my profile. Please feel free to ask me anything.  The forum members are very supportive and nothing is too personal to ask.   Sending a massive hug to you and your family.


  • Hi Paul70

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Everyone who goes through this is scared but you've come to the right place for advice and reassurance. For people with your diagnosis the chances of a complete cure are extremely high. I am 62 and was diagnosed with similar stats to you just over a year ago. Had radical prostatectomy in September. The result have been excellent and I'm back to normal with an undetectable PSA. I have friends and family members who have had this procedure and are clear after many years. For me the worse part was waiting for test results. 

    Good luck, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    Feel free to ask me anything.


  • Hi  ,

    As AH mentioned, I had brachytherapy boost.  However, your initial diagnosis is MUCH less than mine, so I would ask your consultant about focal therapies on the NHS, or brachytherapy as a mono therapy (without the external beam radiotherapy or hormone therapy).  You have caught this REALLY early and, tbh, you are safer than the “man in the street” who hasn’t been tested.  Try not to worry - you are young and strong enough to cope with the treatment for such an early (and small, non aggressive) cancer.   AW