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I am just turned 60 and I have recently been diagnosed with Stage 5, 4+5 prostate cancer. 

My father was diagnosed last October and failed to tell me or my older brother. We both went for PSA tests, his came back with a score of 1 and mine was 37.

I was then booked in for a MRI, that came back with, there is something there to investigate so a biopsy was called for. 

My father unfortunately lost his battle with multiple ailments in the early hours of 26th April, 3 days later I was in to get my biopsy results and that's when I was told I had prostate cancer stage 5, 4+5 Gleason.

As the MRI indicated the cancer was just in my prostate the urologist wanted me to have a CT and Bone scan to see if the cancer had spread. I got a phone call 1st thing Monday morning to inform me the cancer is localised just in my prostate,  so some good news at last. 

The MDT are meeting tomorrow to get a treatment plan together for me and fingers crossed that will start next week. 

One thing the urologist did say was surgery would be only done if the other treatments didn't work as I had an aortic valve replacement in 2016 and I have to take blood thinners.

Just wondering if anyone has been in a similar position with my numbers and scan results and how has their journey been?

Thanks for reading. 

  • PET scan went ahead this week, took a little longer than I was expecting but the main thing it is done. I have also started the hormone treatment with 22.5mg Decapeptyn and a course of 150mg Bicalutamide, which were administered yesterday, only side effect so far is a sore buttock, I think the nurse took a running jump from the other side of the room with the injection Scream

    The PET scan results had not been sent on, expecting a call next week after the consultants have reviewed them.

    Wedding still going ahead next week!


  • I'm sure the sore backside will have eased by your wedding day otherwise a comfy cushion will form part of your wedding attire Wink

  • Like Buzzers, hopefully the sore backside will ease pretty quickly, certainly before the wedding, did you do something to upset the nurse? Good luck for the wedding next week Thumbsup John 

  • Hi Drew a little ice pack should speed things along, bit of a bummer, "pun intended" starting HT so close to your wedding day, good luck with the scan results and congratulations again to both of you,
